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Index: L

L1 Maximizer
peak limiter plug-in: 4.3.2. Compression: reducing sound peaks and spikes (Designing Web Audio)
Lab colors: RGB color (Web Design in a Nutshell)
label attribute: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Appendix B. List of Attributes (Web Design in a Nutshell) The label attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) The label attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
<label> tags: 9.10.1. The <label> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
labeling form elements: 9.10.1. The <label> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
labels: 5. Labeling Systems (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
designing effective systems for: 5.4. Creating Effective Labeling Systems (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
fine-tuning system of: 5.5. Fine-Tuning the Labeling System (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
as headings: 5.3.4. Labels as Headings (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
HFHS case study: 10.2.3. Labeling Systems for Sub-Site Record Pages (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
iconic systems of: 5.3.5. Iconic Labeling Systems (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
5.6.2. When You Just Have To Use Icons (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
importance of: 5.1.1. Squandering Attention Spans (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
as indexing terms: 5.3.2. Labels as Indexing Terms (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
for links: 5.3.3. Link Labels (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
within navigation systems: 5.3.1. Labels Within Navigation Systems (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
non-representational systems for: 5.6. Non-Representational Labeling Systems (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
planning for: 5.2. Labeling Systems, Not Labels (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
scope notes: 5.3.1. Labels Within Navigation Systems (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
scope of: 5.5.2. Labeling System Scope and Size (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
self-centered: 5.1.3. Self-Centered Labeling (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
sources for text of: 5.4.1. Sources for Labeling Systems (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
textual labels: 4.5.1. Navigation Bars (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
labels, frame (see frames, frame labels)
LAN (local area network), broadcasting to: 6.4.1. Broadcasting through firewalls (Designing Web Audio)
lang attribute: 7.2.1. The lang Attribute (Web Design in a Nutshell)
:lang pseudo-class: :lang (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
language attribute: B. List of Attributes (Web Design in a Nutshell)
language attribute ( ): The language and type attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
language reference, ActionScript: 20. ActionScript Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
language tags (HTML 4.0): 7.2. HTML 4.01 Language Features (Web Design in a Nutshell)
computer, defining with metalanguages: 15.1. Languages and Metalanguages (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
pseudo-classes for: Nesting and language pseudo-classes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
last-in-first-out (LIFO) stacks: method (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) The push( )
LAST_MODIFIED environment variable: 18.7. Include Variables (Web Design in a Nutshell)
lastChild property (XML class): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
lastIndexOf( ) (String class): Function (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) The lastIndexOf( )
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Latin 1 characters: 4.5.1. Character Encoding (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
code points for: Unicode-style escape sequences (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
B. Latin 1 Character Repertoire and Keycodes (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
retrieving: function (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) The charCodeAt( )
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
sorting arrays: Method (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) 11.9.2. The sort( )
creating strings from code points: function (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) The fromCharCode( )
generating strings from code points: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
hexadecimal escape sequences and: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
keycodes vs. code points: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
lavaliere clip-on microphones: Lavaliere clip-on microphones (Designing Web Audio)
layer structure for Flash movies: 1.3.2. Building the Layer Structure (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
13.4.1. The Internal Layer Stack (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
layering content: 1.2. What you can do with sound on the Web (Designing Web Audio)
layers: 14.3. Layers (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
alignment: The left and top attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) The top and left attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
in DHTML: 29.4. Creating Layers (Web Design in a Nutshell)
for 4.0 browsers: 29.6.1. Layers in the 4.0 Browsers (Web Design in a Nutshell)
in Flash: 26.3.2. Flash Interface Basics (Web Design in a Nutshell)
tags: 14.3.1. The <layer> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
14.3.2. The <ilayer> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
visibility of: The visibility attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
layers, checking for hidden: 16.5. Where's All the Code? (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
layout (see page layout)
1.5.1. Content Versus Appearance (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
element (SMIL): 27.4.2. Document Structure (Web Design in a Nutshell)
27.4.2. Document Structure (Web Design in a Nutshell) Time containers (Web Design in a Nutshell) Time containers (Web Design in a Nutshell) Time containers (Web Design in a Nutshell)
layout tag, SMIL: 7.2.1. SMIL syntax (Designing Web Audio)
layout techniques with HTML: 10.7. Text Layout Techniques with HTML (Web Design in a Nutshell)
le (less-than-or-equal-to) operator (Flash 4): 3.4.4. Flash 4-to-Flash 5 Datatype Conversion (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
4.6.11. Flash 4 Versus Flash 5 String Operators and Functions (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
leading: 4.1.2. The Height of Lines (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
half-leading: Generating a line box (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
Leave As Is disposal method: 23.5.3. Disposal Methods (Web Design in a Nutshell)
left alignment (see alignment)
left alignment (text): 10.7.4. Right and Left Alignment (Web Design in a Nutshell)
left-associative operators: 5.1.3. Operator Precedence (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
left attribute: The left and top attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) The top and left attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
left property: 9.1.2. Side Offsets (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
left property (CSS): 17.6.1. The position Property (Web Design in a Nutshell)
LEFT property (Key object): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
:left pseudo-class: Miscellaneous pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
10.8.1. Paged Media (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
left shift assignment (<<=) operator: 5.1.3. Operator Precedence (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
left shift (<<) operator: Left shift (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
left-to-right directionality: 7.2.2. Directionality (Web Design in a Nutshell)
left value
align attribute: 12.3.5. Horizontal Alignment (Web Design in a Nutshell)
clear attribute: Stopping text wrap (Web Design in a Nutshell)
leftmargin attribute ( ): 9.1. Summary of Structural Tags (Web Design in a Nutshell)
9.3.3. Adjusting Browser Margins (Web Design in a Nutshell) The leftmargin attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
legal issues, MP3: 8.7. Legalities of MP3 (Designing Web Audio)
Lempel-Zev-Welch (LZW)
compression: 19.3. GIF Compression (Web Design in a Nutshell)
interframe optimization: 23.6.2. Optimizing Methods (Web Design in a Nutshell)
length (see size) The width attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
ambient loops compared to music loops: Building seamless music loops (Designing Web Audio)
length( ) (Flash 4 function): The length property (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
length property
arguments object: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Array class: 11.5. Determining the Size of an Array (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
deleting array elements: 11.8.2. Removing Elements with the length Property (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
extending arrays without assigning values to elements: 11.7.2. Adding New Elements with the length Property (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
String class: The length property (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
length property values: Length property values (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
length units: 3.2. Length Units (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
font sizes, setting with: 5.3.5. Using Length Units (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
length values
for background positioning: Length values (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
margins: 7.3.1. Length Values and Margins (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
< (less-than sign): Special text characters (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
less-than (lt) operator (Flash 4): 3.4.4. Flash 4-to-Flash 5 Datatype Conversion (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
4.6.11. Flash 4 Versus Flash 5 String Operators and Functions (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
less-than-or-equal-to (le) operator (Flash 4): 3.4.4. Flash 4-to-Flash 5 Datatype Conversion (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
4.6.11. Flash 4 Versus Flash 5 String Operators and Functions (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
less-than-or-equal-to (<=) operator (Flash 5): Character order and alphabetic comparisons (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
5.5.3. The Less-Than-or-Equal-to Operator (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
less-than sign (<): Special text characters (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
<! tags: 16.3.7. Handling Special Characters (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
letterspacing: Letterspacing (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
letter-spacing property: Letterspacing (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide) The letter-spacing property (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
lettering (see text)
_leveln global property: Accessing variables on different document levels (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
document stacks: 13.4.3. The .swf Document "_level" Stack (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) Referencing other documents in the Player using _leveln (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
referencing documents in Player: Referencing other documents in the Player using _leveln (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
levels (see document levels)
lexical structure of ActionScript: 14. Lexical Structure (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
(list) tag: 10.1.4. Lists (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Appendix A. HTML Elements (Web Design in a Nutshell)
unordered lists and: Lists (Web Design in a Nutshell) 10.6.1. Unordered (Bulleted)
librarians: 11.2.11. Serving CSS Up Correctly (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
asking for labeling advice: Labels from users and experts (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
reference interviews: 6.4. In an Ideal World: The Reference Interview (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
skills of: Information and library science (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
libraries, sound effects: 1.7.3. Designing music loops (Designing Web Audio)
creating clip instances manually: Manually creating instances (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
creating new instances from: Creating instances with attachMovie( ) (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
library in Flash: 26.3.2. Flash Interface Basics (Web Design in a Nutshell)
license agreements, webcasting: Complying with copyright laws (Designing Web Audio)
LIFO (last-in-first-out) stacks: method (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) The push( )
lighter text: 5.2.3. Lightening Weights (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
limiters: 3.1.4. Compressors/limiters (Designing Web Audio)
line box: 8.4.2. Inline Formatting (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
generating: Generating a line box (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
line-breaking, margins and: 7.3.7. Margins and Inline Elements (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
line breaks: Divisions, paragraphs, and line breaks (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
4.7.1. The <br> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
4.7.5. The <pre> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
14.1.2. Mimicking the <spacer> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
in ActionScript code: 14.1. Whitespace (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
allowing with: 4.7.3. The <wbr> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
handling: 10.2.1. Paragraphs and Line Breaks (Web Design in a Nutshell)
17.6.4. Overflow (Web Design in a Nutshell)
HTML support in text fields: 18.5.6. <BR> (Line Break) (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
nowrap attribute and: The nowrap attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
preventing: 10.7.2. Preventing Line Breaks (Web Design in a Nutshell)
in strings: Escape sequences (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
suppressing with: 4.7.2. The <nobr> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
vertical: Creating vertical space (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
Line Display options for text fields: 18.3.1. Line Display (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
line height: 4.1.2. The Height of Lines (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
8.4.2. Inline Formatting (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
in font property: 5.5.1. Adding the Line Height (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
images and: 8.4.4. Inline Replaced Elements (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
managing for inline elements: 8.4.3. Managing the Line Height of Inline Elements (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
scaling: Scaling the line heights (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
line-height property (CSS): 17.5.1. Type-Related Properties (Web Design in a Nutshell)
line layout: 8.4.1. Line Layout (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
line-through text style: 4.5.7. The <strike> Tag (Deprecated) (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) The text-decoration property (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
line-through value: 4.1.6. Text Decoration (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
linear playback: 5.2.4. Flash and Director Shockwave (Designing Web Audio)
lines of text (see text)
Lingo: 9.2. Introduction to Flash (Designing Web Audio)
9.3. Introduction to Shockwave (Designing Web Audio)
9.3.1. Using Shockwave "internal" sounds: embedded cast members versus streamed SWA sounds (Designing Web Audio)
arrays in ActionScript and C vs.: 11.2.3. Array Size (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
communicating with: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Lingo language, Shockwave and: 26.7.1. Advantages (Web Design in a Nutshell)
lingo protocol (getURL( )): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Lingo script: Sound loops versus repetitive sound effects (Designing Web Audio)
5.2.4. Flash and Director Shockwave (Designing Web Audio)
LINK attribute: 2.4.1. Pseudo-Class Selectors (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
link attribute ( ): 9.1. Summary of Structural Tags (Web Design in a Nutshell)
9.3.1. Colors (Web Design in a Nutshell)
11.4.1. Setting Colors in <body> (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Appendix B. List of Attributes (Web Design in a Nutshell) The link, vlink, and alink attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
LINK element: 1.4.1. The LINK Tag (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
:link pseudo-class: 2.4.1. Pseudo-Class Selectors (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
<link> tag: The rel and rev attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) External, document-level, and inline JSS (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
web browser limitations: 8.1.6. Limitations of Current Browsers (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
linkage identifiers: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
linked clips: 13.2.6. Linked Clips (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
linked external style sheets: Linked external style sheets (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) The pros and cons of external styles (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
imported vs.: 8.1.5. Linked Versus Imported Style Sheets (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
linking style sheets: 1.4.1. The LINK Tag (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
links (see hyperlinks)
11. Creating Links (Web Design in a Nutshell)
2.7. Hyperlinks (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
anchors and hyperlinks: 11.1. Summary of Tags Related to Linking (Web Design in a Nutshell)
audio files: 24.7.1. A Simple Link (Web Design in a Nutshell)
(Web Design in a Nutshell) Linking to RealMedia (external player)
linking document fragments: 11.3. Linking Within a Document (Web Design in a Nutshell)
background images, placing in: 6.2.1. Background Images (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
color, setting: 6.1.1. Foreground Colors (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
colors for hyperlinks: 9.3.1. Colors (Web Design in a Nutshell)
11.4. Affecting the Appearance of Links (Web Design in a Nutshell)
controlling status bar text: 11.4.5. Changing Status Bar Text with JavaScript (Web Design in a Nutshell)
to external style sheets: External style sheets (Web Design in a Nutshell)
hyperlinked graphics: 11.2. Simple Hypertext Links (Web Design in a Nutshell)
12.3.1. Linked Graphics (Web Design in a Nutshell)
captions: 6.1.3. The Techniques (Web Design in a Nutshell)
imagemaps: 11.6. Imagemaps (Web Design in a Nutshell)
client-side: 11.1. Summary of Tags Related to Linking (Web Design in a Nutshell)
12.2.1. Inline Graphic Uses (Web Design in a Nutshell)
multipart images in tables: 13.8. Multipart Images in Tables (Web Design in a Nutshell)
text alternatives: 6.1.3. The Techniques (Web Design in a Nutshell) Providing complete alternative text (Web Design in a Nutshell)
JavaScript rollovers: Rollover buttons (Web Design in a Nutshell)
mailto: 11.7.1. Mail Link (mailto:) (Web Design in a Nutshell)
miscellanous: 11.7.3. Other Links (Web Design in a Nutshell)
removing underlining from: 4.1.6. Text Decoration (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
targeting frames: 14.5. Targeting Frames (Web Design in a Nutshell)
multiple from one link: 14.7.4. Loading Two Frames from One Link (Web Design in a Nutshell)
targeting other windows: 11.5. Targeting Windows (Web Design in a Nutshell)
video files and: 25.5.1. A Simple Link (Web Design in a Nutshell)
WML: 32.3.3. Adding Links (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Linux: 5.2.2. Windows Media Technologies (Netshow) (Designing Web Audio)
8.3.4. Skins (Designing Web Audio)
multiple sound cards: 6.5. Live broadcasting with RealAudio (Designing Web Audio)
RealServer: RealServer system requirements (Designing Web Audio)
remote encoding: Remote encoding and management (Designing Web Audio)
Liquid Audio: 5.2. Streaming media formats (Designing Web Audio)
5.2.7. Liquid Audio (Designing Web Audio)
8.7.1. Is MP3 legal? (Designing Web Audio)
8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
capabilities overview: B.5. Liquid Audio (Designing Web Audio)
Genuine Music Mark (GMM): 8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
Liquid Music Network (LMN): 8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
Liquid Server: 8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
Liquifier encoding tool: 8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
Liquifier Pro: 8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
in Winamp and RealPlayer: 8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
Liquid Express: 5.2.7. Liquid Audio (Designing Web Audio)
Liquid Music System (LiquidAudio): 24.5.7. Liquid Audio (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Liquid Player: 5.2.7. Liquid Audio (Designing Web Audio)
Liquid Server: 5.2.7. Liquid Audio (Designing Web Audio)
Liquid Tracks: 5.2.7. Liquid Audio (Designing Web Audio)
Liquifier Pro: 5.2.7. Liquid Audio (Designing Web Audio)
8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
list-item elements: 2.9. Classification of Elements (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
list items: 7.7. Lists (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
8.2.3. List Items (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
horizontal formatting and: 8.2.2. Horizontal Formatting (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
list numbering (automatic) in CSS2 for multilingualism: 7.3. Style Sheets Language Features (Web Design in a Nutshell)
List Objects command (debugging tool): 19.1.3. The List Objects Command (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
list-style-image property (CSS): 17.5.4. Classification Properties (Web Design in a Nutshell)
list-style-position property: 7.7.3. List Item Positions (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide) The list-style-position property (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
list-style property (CSS): 17.5.4. Classification Properties (Web Design in a Nutshell)
list-style-type (CSS2 value): 17.7.6. New Values for Existing Properties (Web Design in a Nutshell)
multilingualism: 7.3. Style Sheets Language Features (Web Design in a Nutshell)
list-style-type property (CSS): 17.5.4. Classification Properties (Web Design in a Nutshell)
List Variables command (debugging tool): 19.1.2. The List Variables Command (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
<listing> tags: 4.7.7. The <listing> Tag (Obsolete) (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
lists: 7.7. Lists (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
7.7. Lists (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
10.1.4. Lists (Web Design in a Nutshell)
10.6. Lists (Web Design in a Nutshell)
2.9.1. Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
7. Formatted Lists (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
bullets: Changing the bullet shape (Web Design in a Nutshell)
custom list item markers: 17.3. Custom Bullets (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
definition: 10.6.3. Definition Lists (Web Design in a Nutshell)
definition lists: 7.5. Definition Lists (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
directory lists: 7.7. Directory Lists (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
of hyperlinks: 6.4.1. Lists of Links (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
items of: 7.3.1. Changing the Style and Sequence of Individual List Items (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
list items: The display property (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
menu lists: 7.8. Menu Lists (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
menus (see menus in forms)
nesting: 10.6.4. Nesting Lists (Web Design in a Nutshell)
7.4. Nesting Lists (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
ordered (numbered): 7.4.2. Nested Ordered Lists (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
unordered (bulleted): 7.4.1. Nested Unordered Lists (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
ordered (numbered): 7.2. Ordered Lists (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
position of: 7.7.3. List Item Positions (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
selection lists (forms): 9.8.1. The <select> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
shorthand property: 7.7.4. List Styles In Shorthand (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
style properties for: 8.4.7. List Properties (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
using effectively: Using list properties effectively (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
style sheet properties for: 17.5.4. Classification Properties (Web Design in a Nutshell)
types of: 7.7.1. Types of Lists (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
unordered: Lists (Web Design in a Nutshell) 10.6.1. Unordered (Bulleted)
unordered (bulleted): 7.1. Unordered Lists (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
using appropriately: 7.6. Appropriate List Usage (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
literals: 1.2.2. Expressions (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
array: 11.3.2. Array Literals (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
floating-point: 4.3.2. Floating-Point Literals (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
function: 9.5. Function Literals (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
adding methods to classes: Assigning methods to objects of a class (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
implementing methods with: 12.4. Methods (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
integer: 4.3.1. Integer Literals (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
numeric: 4.3. Numeric Literals (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
object: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
string: 4.5.2. String Literals (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
vs. variables: 3.3. Creating and Categorizing Data (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
live broadcasts
archiving: 6.6.3. Archiving live broadcasts (Designing Web Audio)
case study: 6.6. Case study: N2K streams live M[DBLENTITY:ouml]tley Cr[DBLENTITY:uuml]e concert (Designing Web Audio)
high-quality source signals: 6.6.1. Capturing high-quality live sound (Designing Web Audio)
RealAudio: 6.5. Live broadcasting with RealAudio (Designing Web Audio)
RealServer: 6.3.3. Broadcasting audio with the RealServer (Designing Web Audio)
splitting: 6.6.5. Splitting a live broadcast for more efficient streaming (Designing Web Audio)
live concerts: 3.2.2. Field recording (Designing Web Audio)
dynamic microphones: Dynamic microphones (Designing Web Audio)
live encoding: 6.1.1. RealEncoder and RealPublisher (Designing Web Audio)
'live space' in browsers: 2.1.2. "Live" Space in the Browser Window (Web Design in a Nutshell)
live splitting: 6.1.2. RealServer (Designing Web Audio)
LiveAudio plug-in: 24.4. Streaming Audio (Web Design in a Nutshell)
LiveMotion: 9.2. Introduction to Flash (Designing Web Audio)
ll property (transformobject): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
LN2 property (Math object): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
load balancing: 6.4.7. Load balancing (Designing Web Audio)
load movie clip event: 10.10.2. load (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
load movie clip event handler: 10.10.2. load (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
order of execution: 10.12. Order of Execution (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
load( ) (XML class): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
loaded property (XML class): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
XML.status property and: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
loading delay (see performance)
loadMovie( )
global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
target parameter and: Method versus global function overlap issues (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
loading external SWF files into Player: 13.3.4. Importing External Movies (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
MovieClip class: 13.8.3. Built-in Movie Clip Methods (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
using data event handlers: Using a data event handler with loadMovie( ) (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
load/unload movie clip events: 10.10.3. unload (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
using with attachMovie( ): 13.3.4. Importing External Movies (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
loadMovieNum( ) global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
loadVariables( )
global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
security restrictions for: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
sending form-based data to server applications: 17.2.2. Sending Data to the Server (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
target parameter and: Method versus global function overlap issues (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
MovieClip class: 13.8.3. Built-in Movie Clip Methods (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
using data event handlers: Using a data event handler with loadVariables( ) (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
loadVariablesNum( ) global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
local area network (LAN): 6.4.1. Broadcasting through firewalls (Designing Web Audio)
Local Director: 6.4.7. Load balancing (Designing Web Audio)
local navigation systems: 4.4.3. Local Navigation Systems (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
local scope of functions: 9.7. Function Scope (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
local variables: 2.5.4. Variable Accessibility (Scope) (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
2.5.8. Local Variables (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
creating: 9.7.2. Local Variables (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
nonlocal variables and: 2.5.8. Local Variables (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
localToGlobal( ) (MovieClip class): 13.8.3. Built-in Movie Clip Methods (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
location, organizing by: Geographical (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
log( ) (Math object): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
logarithm: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
(see also natural logarithm)
of e (base-2): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
LOG10E property (Math object): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Logic Audio: 11.4. Using the Beatnik Editor (Designing Web Audio)
logic in Flash movies: Making choices using conditionals (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
logical AND (&&) operator (Flash 5): 5.7.2. Logical AND (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
logical AND (and) operator (Flash 4): 14.4. Reserved Words (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
logical expressions and data values: 5.7.4. Logical Expressions and Data Values (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
logical inline type style: 10.3. Inline Type Styles (Web Design in a Nutshell)
logical NOT (!) operator (Flash 5): 5.7.3. Logical NOT (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
logical NOT (not) operator (Flash 4): 14.4. Reserved Words (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
logical operators: 5.7. The Logical Operators (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
vs. bitwise operators: 5.11.1. The Bitwise Operators (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
logical OR (||) operator (Flash 5): 5.7.1. Logical OR (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
logical OR (or) operator (Flash 4): 14.4. Reserved Words (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
long keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
longdesc attribute: B. List of Attributes (Web Design in a Nutshell) The alt and longdesc attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) The title and longdesc attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
2look4 (MP3 search engine): 8.5.1. Creating your own MP3 site (Designing Web Audio)
8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
loop attribute: The loop attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) The loop attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) The behavior, direction, and loop attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
loop body: 8.2. Loop Terminology (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
loop controls: 8.2. Loop Terminology (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
loop headers: 8.2. Loop Terminology (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
audio: The loop attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
marquee text: The behavior, direction, and loop attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
video: The loop attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
looping animation: 23.3. Browser Support (Web Design in a Nutshell)
23.5.5. Other Options (Web Design in a Nutshell)
loops: 6.3.1. Loops and Conditionals (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
8. Loop Statements (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) Capturing narration (Designing Web Audio)
(see also ambient sound loops)
avoiding monotony: 1.7.1. Easy-to-use narration (Designing Web Audio)
break statement in: 8.6.1. The break Statement (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
clip events (see movie clip events, loops)
continue statement in: 8.6.2. The continue Statement (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
counters in: 8.1. The while Loop (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
8.4.1. Multiple Iterators in for Loops (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
event: 1.2.6. The Event-Based Execution Model (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
index variables in: 8.1. The while Loop (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
8.4.1. Multiple Iterators in for Loops (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
infinite: 8.1. The while Loop (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
8.2. Loop Terminology (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
avoiding: 8.6.3. Maximum Number of Iterations (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
initialization: 8.1. The while Loop (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
8.2. Loop Terminology (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
iteration in: Repeating tasks using loops (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
8.2. Loop Terminology (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
iterators in: 8.1. The while Loop (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
8.4.1. Multiple Iterators in for Loops (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
nested: 8.2. Loop Terminology (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
rhythm: Optimum loop length (Designing Web Audio)
soundtracks: 1.3.2. Adding a looping music soundtrack (Designing Web Audio)
stopping prematurely: 8.6. Stopping a Loop Prematurely (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
terminology: 8.2. Loop Terminology (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
test expressions in: 8.2. Loop Terminology (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
timeline: 8.7. Timeline and Clip Event Loops (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
creating process clips: 13.2.4. Process Clips (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
frame rate effect on: 8.7.3. Frame Rate's Effect on Timeline and Clip Event Loops (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
update statements in: 8.1. The while Loop (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
8.2. Loop Terminology (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
lossless compression: 5.1.1. Lossy compression (Designing Web Audio)
19.3. GIF Compression (Web Design in a Nutshell) Weighted lossiness (Web Design in a Nutshell)
21.5. PNG Compression (Web Design in a Nutshell)
25.2.1. Lossless Versus Lossy Compression (Web Design in a Nutshell)
GIFs: Lossy GIFs (Web Design in a Nutshell)
lossy compression: 5.1.1. Lossy compression (Designing Web Audio)
20.2. JPEG Compression (Web Design in a Nutshell)
25.2.1. Lossless Versus Lossy Compression (Web Design in a Nutshell)
loudness: 2.1. The science of sound (Designing Web Audio)
dynamic range: 2.1.1. Loudness (Designing Web Audio)
low-end frequencies: 6.3. Professional webcasting (Designing Web Audio)
low-frequency sound: 1.9.1. Selecting sounds (Designing Web Audio)
low-pass filters: Using low-pass and high-pass filters (Designing Web Audio)
6.3. Professional webcasting (Designing Web Audio)
lowercase text: 4.1.5. Text Transformation (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
lowercase versions of strings, creating: function (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) The toLowerCase( )
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
lowest common denominator design: 1.3.1. Lowest Common Denominator Design (Web Design in a Nutshell)
lowsrc attribute ( ): 12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags (Web Design in a Nutshell) The lowsrc trick (Web Design in a Nutshell) The lowsrc attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
lr property (transformobject): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
< (less than) character entity for XML: 30.3.1. Well-Formed XML (Web Design in a Nutshell)
lt (less-than) operator (Flash 4): 3.4.4. Flash 4-to-Flash 5 Datatype Conversion (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
4.6.11. Flash 4 Versus Flash 5 String Operators and Functions (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
<= less-than-or-equal-to operator (Flash 5): Character order and alphabetic comparisons (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
5.5.3. The Less-Than-or-Equal-to Operator (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
<<= bitwise left shift assignment operator: 5.1.3. Operator Precedence (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
<< left shift operator: Left shift (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
ltr value (dir attribute): 7.2.2. Directionality (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Lycos: 8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
Lynx (see text-only browsers)
Lynx browser: Lynx (Web Design in a Nutshell)
LZW (Lempel-Zev-Welch)
compression: 19.3. GIF Compression (Web Design in a Nutshell)
interframe optimization: 23.6.2. Optimizing Methods (Web Design in a Nutshell)

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