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Index: E

E-commerce: 1.2. What you can do with sound on the Web (Designing Web Audio)
E property (Math object): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
echo command (SSI): 18.6. SSI Commands (Web Design in a Nutshell)
echo repeats in delay: 4.2.2. Delay (Designing Web Audio)
ECMA-262 standard: 0. Foreword (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
case-sensitivity requirements: 14.6. Case Sensitivity (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
differences among ActionScript, JavaScript, and: D. Differences from ECMA-262 and JavaScript (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
object-oriented programming resources: 12.5.5. Object-Oriented Programming Summary (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
potential reserved words: 14.4. Reserved Words (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
resources: A.2. ECMA-262 Resources (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
void operator and: 5.10. The void Operator (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
ECMAScript (JavaScript): 28.1. JavaScript History (Web Design in a Nutshell)
editing: 4.1. Basic sound editing (Designing Web Audio)
artifacts, removing: 4.1.3. Removing embedded artifacts (Designing Web Audio)
amplitude reduction: Amplitude reduction (Designing Web Audio)
deleting spikes: Deleting a spike (Designing Web Audio)
equalization: Equalization (Designing Web Audio)
choosing takes and removing artifacts: 4.1.1. Choosing takes and removing artifacts (Designing Web Audio)
digital audio workstation software: A.2.4. Digital audio workstation/recording editing software (Designing Web Audio)
silences, avoiding: 4.1.2. Avoiding gaps between edited sections (Designing Web Audio)
ad hoc navigation: 4.4.4. Ad Hoc Navigation (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
responsibilities of: 2.3. Collaboration and Communication (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
creating seamless sound loops with: Sound loop tutorial: creating seamless loops with a sound editor (Designing Web Audio)
MIDI: 10.3.1. MIDI editors (Designing Web Audio)
multitrack digital, creating button sounds: 1.8. Interactive sound effects and buttons (Designing Web Audio)
editors (HTML): 8.6.1. HTML Editors (Web Design in a Nutshell)
educational tools: 5.2.4. Flash and Director Shockwave (Designing Web Audio)
effects for audio files: 24.3.2. Basic Sound Editing and Effects (Web Design in a Nutshell)
effects processors: A.2.10. Effects processors (Designing Web Audio)
element boxes: 7.1. Basic Element Boxes (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
8.1. Basic Boxes (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
element clipping: Element clipping (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
element nodes: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
creating: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
XML.nodeValue property and: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
element selectors: 2.1.1. Rule Structure (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
ELEMENT_NODE (XML node type): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
classification of: 2.9. Classification of Elements (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
floated (see floated elements)
overlapping, altering: 9.5. Stacking Positioned Elements (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
styling common: 11.2.4. Styling Common Elements (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
visibility of: 9.1.5. Element Visibility (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
elements, nesting (see nesting)
elevation property: 10.8.2. The Spoken Word (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
elif statement (XSSI): 18.5.1. Flow Control Elements (Web Design in a Nutshell)
else if statement: 7.3. The else if Statement (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
else statement: 7.2. The else Statement (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
else statement (XSSI): 18.5.1. Flow Control Elements (Web Design in a Nutshell)
em box: 5.3. Font Size (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
em-height (em): em and ex units (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
em length value: 5.3.3. Percentages and Sizes (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
em square: 5.3. Font Size (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
<em> tags: Content-based text styles (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
4.4.6. The <em> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
10.1.2. Text Appearance (Inline Styles) (Web Design in a Nutshell)
10.3.1. Logical Styles (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Appendix A. HTML Elements (Web Design in a Nutshell)
WML: 32.4. WML Elements and Attributes (Web Design in a Nutshell)
message links (mailto): 11.7.1. Mail Link (mailto:) (Web Design in a Nutshell)
sending form contents via: 15.7.2. Using Available Scripts (Web Design in a Nutshell)
email, mailto URL for: 6.2.8. The mailto URL (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
9.2.2. The enctype Attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
defining mail header fields: Defining mail header fields (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
form data via: 9.4. Using Email to Collect Form Data (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
Embed Fonts option for text fields: 18.3.7. Embed Fonts (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
18.5.11. Using HTML as Output (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
EMBED tag: 1.3. Two easy ways to add sound (Designing Web Audio)
9.3.6. Quick and easy audio streaming with Shockwave (Designing Web Audio)
<embed> tags 12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags (Web Design in a Nutshell)
for audio: 5.4.2. Alternative Audio Support (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
embedded fonts: 3.2.4. Embedded Fonts (Web Design in a Nutshell)
embedded fonts in HTML text fields: 18.5.11. Using HTML as Output (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
embedded guides: 17.4.4. Embedded Guides (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
embedded hypertext links: 4.4.4. Ad Hoc Navigation (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
embedded links (see hyperlinks)
embedded objects: 5.6.1. Embedded Versus Referenced Content (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
5.6.4. Embedding Other Document Types (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
<object> tags: 12.2. Embedded Content (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
tags: 12.2.2. The <param> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
(HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) 12.2.3. The <applet> Tag (Deprecated)
12.2.4. The <embed> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
12.2.5. The <noembed> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
embedded objects in pages
ActiveX controls: 5.4.1. Viewing PDF Files (Web Design in a Nutshell)
tags: 12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags (Web Design in a Nutshell)
12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags (Web Design in a Nutshell)
12.5.1. The <object> Tag (Web Design in a Nutshell)
12.5.2. The <embed> Tag (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Flash movies: The <object> tag (Web Design in a Nutshell)
object parameters: 12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags (Web Design in a Nutshell) Adding applets with <applet> (Web Design in a Nutshell)
video: 25.5.3. Embedded QuickTime Movies (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Embedded OpenType (.eot) file format: OpenType (for Internet Explorer) (Web Design in a Nutshell)
embedded style sheets: 1.4.2. The STYLE Element (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide) Using two embedded style sheets (Web Design in a Nutshell) Embedded style sheets (Web Design in a Nutshell)
embedded tags: 2.3. Embedded Tags (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
2.3. Embedded Tags (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
(see also HTML tags)
Emblaze file format: 12. Glossary (Designing Web Audio)
embossed media type, connecting style sheets and HTML: 5.3.2. Connecting the Style Sheets and HTML (Web Design in a Nutshell)
emphasis, tags for: 4.4.5. The <dfn> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
4.4.6. The <em> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
4.4.9. The <strong> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
4.5.1. The <b> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
4.5.3. The <blink> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
4.5.4. The <i> Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
empty-clip timeline loops, creating: 8.7.1. Creating an Empty-Clip Timeline Loop (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
empty elements in XHTML: 31.4.4. Empty Elements (Web Design in a Nutshell)
empty elements in XHTML documents: 16.3.3. Handling Empty Elements (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
empty statement: 6.3. The ActionScript Statements (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
6.3.11. The Empty Statement (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
empty strings: The empty string (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
empty.rpm file: Note of caution (Designing Web Audio)
ems for style sheet measurements: Creating flexible pages (Web Design in a Nutshell)
emulators for WAP: 32.2.5. WAP Emulators (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Emusic: 8.5.1. Creating your own MP3 site (Designing Web Audio)
8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
online record company: 8.7.2. Legal MP3 files: headline artists sign up for MP3 (Designing Web Audio)
audio data: 24.1. Basic Digital Audio Concepts (Web Design in a Nutshell)
character sets: 7.1.1. 8-Bit Encoded Character Sets (Web Design in a Nutshell)
URLs: 15.3.3. Encoding (Web Design in a Nutshell)
encoded strings, creating: 4.5.1. Character Encoding (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
encoding: Capturing narration (Designing Web Audio) The type attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
(see also content types)
compression: Capturing narration (Designing Web Audio)
digital audio standards: 2.2. Digital audio demystified (Designing Web Audio)
file-selection controls and: File-selection controls (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
Liquifier tool: 8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
RealSystem G2 innovations in: 7. Designing Multimedia Presentations with SMIL and RealSystem G2 (Designing Web Audio)
encryption: 8.8. MP3 resources (Designing Web Audio)
enctype attribute: 9.2.2. The enctype Attribute (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) File-selection controls (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
enctype attribute ( ): 15.1. Summary of Form Tags (Web Design in a Nutshell)
15.3.3. Encoding (Web Design in a Nutshell) File selection (type=file) (Web Design in a Nutshell)
Appendix B. List of Attributes (Web Design in a Nutshell)
END property (Key object): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
endif statement (XSSI): 18.5.1. Flow Control Elements (Web Design in a Nutshell)
ending tags: 2.3.1. Start and End Tags (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
3.3.3. Starting and Ending Tags (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
16.3.3. Handling Empty Elements (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
omitting in HTML: 3.3.5. Tags Without Ends (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
XHTML vs. HTML documents: 16.3.2. End Tags (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
Enigma III Shockwave mixer: 9.1. Flash and Shockwave basics (Designing Web Audio)
9.3. Introduction to Shockwave (Designing Web Audio)
Enter key
capturing: Handling special keys (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
disabling with Single Line option: 18.3.1. Line Display (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
ENTER property (Key object): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
enterFrame movie clip event: 10.10.1. enterFrame (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
enterFrame movie clip event handler: 10.10.1. enterFrame (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
building a portable preloader: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
capturing shortcut-key-style combinations: Handling special keys (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
checking for keypresses: 10.11.5. keyUp (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
creating loops with: 8.7.2. Flash 5 Clip Event Loops (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
13.2.4. Process Clips (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
order of execution: 10.12. Order of Execution (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
simulating dynamic event handling: 10.16. Dynamic Movie Clip Event Handlers (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
entities: Special text characters (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
3.5.2. Character Entities (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
4.10. Special Character Encoding (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
JavaScript: 12.3.5. JavaScript Entities (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
URL encodings: Handling reserved and unsafe characters (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
entity and element declarations (XML) (see DTD for XML)
ENTITY_NODE (XML node type): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE (XML node type): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
enum keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
envelope: 12. Glossary (Designing Web Audio)
environment variables: 18.4. Using Environment Variables (Web Design in a Nutshell)
18.7. Include Variables (Web Design in a Nutshell)
.eot (Embedded Open Type) file format: OpenType (for Internet Explorer) (Web Design in a Nutshell)
eq (equality) operator (Flash 4): 3.4.4. Flash 4-to-Flash 5 Datatype Conversion (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
4.6.11. Flash 4 Versus Flash 5 String Operators and Functions (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
= (equal sign) for tag attributes: 3.3.1. The Syntax of a Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
equal sign (=) for tag attributes: 3.3.1. The Syntax of a Tag (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
equality (==) operator (Flash 5): operators (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) Using the equality (==) and inequality (!=)
5.4. The Equality and Inequality Operators (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
equality (eq) operator (Flash 4): 3.4.4. Flash 4-to-Flash 5 Datatype Conversion (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
4.6.11. Flash 4 Versus Flash 5 String Operators and Functions (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
equality of primitive datatypes: 5.4.1. Primitive Datatype Equality (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
equalization (EQ): 2.1.2. Pitch (Designing Web Audio)
4.3.3. Equalization: customizing your sound (Designing Web Audio)
audio enhancements: 4.3.4. Using EQ to enhance audio (Designing Web Audio)
mixers: 3.1.3. Mixers (Designing Web Audio)
MP3: 8.3.3. Using the equalizer (Designing Web Audio)
removing artifacts: Equalization (Designing Web Audio)
equalizers: 8.3.3. Using the equalizer (Designing Web Audio)
home versus professional: 4.3.3. Equalization: customizing your sound (Designing Web Audio)
interfaces: 4.3.3. Equalization: customizing your sound (Designing Web Audio)
equals sign (=) assignment operator: 5.2. The Assignment Operator (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
equals sign (=), using attributes: 8.2.3. Attributes (Web Design in a Nutshell)
equipment, professional versus consumer grade: A.2.1.1. Pro option (Designing Web Audio)
Eriksson, Frederic: Available tools (Web Design in a Nutshell)
errmsg attribute (config command): 18.6. SSI Commands (Web Design in a Nutshell)
error checking: 19.1. Debugging Tools (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
error messages: 19.1. Debugging Tools (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
errors, debugging: 19. Debugging (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
escape( ) global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Escape key, capturing: Handling special keys (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
ESCAPE property (Key object): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
escape sequences
in ActionScript: Escape sequences (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
hexadecimal: Unicode-style escape sequences (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
in string literals: Escape sequences (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Unicode: 4.5.1. Character Encoding (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide) Unicode-style escape sequences (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
B. Latin 1 Character Repertoire and Keycodes (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
escaped strings, decoding: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
eval( ) global function: 4.6.10. Executing Code in a String with eval (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Selection.getFocus( ) and: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
event attributes: Event attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) Event attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) Event attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) Event attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) Event attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) Event attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) Event attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) The name, onAbort, onError, onLoad and other event attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) The event attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
9.2.8. The Event Attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
9.9.2. The event Attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
(client-side image maps): The event attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
content-based tags: 4.4.13. Event Attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
frames and: Frames and JavaScript (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
tags: Event attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) The event attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
objects and: Object event handling (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
physical style tags: 4.5.14. Event Attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
(push buttons): Push buttons (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
table tags: The event attributes (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
event-based execution model: 1.2.6. The Event-Based Execution Model (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
10.2. Event-Based AsynchronousCode Execution (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
event handlers: 1.2.6. The Event-Based Execution Model (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
10.4. Event Handlers (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
applications of: 10.17. Event Handlers Applied (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
attaching to
built-in object classes: 10.6.2. Attaching Event Handlers to Other Objects (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
10.16. Dynamic Movie Clip Event Handlers (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
buttons/movie clips: 10.6.1. Attaching Event Handlers to Buttons and Movie Clips (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
centralizing code: 10.15. Code Reusability (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
creating: 10.6. Creating Event Handlers (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
debugging: 19.2.3. Common Sources of Bugs (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
defining: 10.5. Event Handler Syntax (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
examples of: 10.17. Event Handlers Applied (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
life span of: 10.6.2. Attaching Event Handlers to Other Objects (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
missing: 19.2.3. Common Sources of Bugs (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
movie clips: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
onClose (XMLSocket class): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
onConnect (XMLSocket class): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
onData( )
XML class: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
XMLSocket class: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
onLoad( ): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
onXML (XMLSocket class): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
scope: 10.7. Event Handler Scope (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
scripting buttons: 1.3.6. Scripting the Answer Buttons (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
vs. functions: 10.4. Event Handlers (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
XML class: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
event handlers (JavaScript): 28.2.2. Event Handlers (Web Design in a Nutshell)
event protocol (getURL( )): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
event sounds, MIDI: 10.2.2. Add a bit of spice to your site (Designing Web Audio)
events: 10. Events and Event Handlers (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
button (see button events)
_changed event (text fields): 18.4.4. The _changed Event (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
movie clip (see movie clip events)
types of: 10.3. Types of Events (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
ex-height (ex): em and ex units (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
exact organization: Exact organization schemes (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
Exact Palette: 22.2. Converting to the Web Palette (Web Design in a Nutshell)
exec command (SSI): 18.6. SSI Commands (Web Design in a Nutshell)
exec command (standalone Player): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
executable content: 12. Executable Content (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
applets: 12.1. Applets and Objects (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
JavaScript style sheets: 12.4. JavaScript Style Sheets (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
execution model, event-based: 1.2.6. The Event-Based Execution Model (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
10.2. Event-Based AsynchronousCode Execution (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
execution order
of clip event handlers: 10.12. Order of Execution (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
of code on layers: 13.4.4. Stacks and Order of Execution (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
existence searching: Existence searching (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
exp( ) (Math object): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Expert Mode (Actions panel): Expert Mode (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
adding code to Actions panel: 1.1.2. Say Hi to Flash (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
multiline comments and: 14.3. Comments (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
expires value (http-equiv attribute): Other uses (Web Design in a Nutshell)
explicit datatype conversion: 3.4.2. Explicit Type Conversion (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
explicit label associations (forms): Implicit and explicit associations (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
explicit vs. implicit variable declaration: 2.1.1. Automatic Variable Creation (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
exploratory searching: Exploratory searching (Information Architecture for the World Wide Web)
exponents in floating-point literals: 4.3.2. Floating-Point Literals (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
export keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
exporting sounds: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
expression statements: 6.3.2. Expression Statements (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
expressions: 1.2.2. Expressions (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
6.2. Statement Syntax (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
in assignment operations: 5.2. The Assignment Operator (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
complex: 3.3. Creating and Categorizing Data (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
automatic typing: 3.3.2. Automatic Complex Expression Typing (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
creating data using: 3.3. Creating and Categorizing Data (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
literal: 1.2.2. Expressions (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
3.3. Creating and Categorizing Data (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
operators and: 5.1.1. Operators and Expressions (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
regular (not supported): No regular expressions (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Extend Media TAG: 7. Designing Multimedia Presentations with SMIL and RealSystem G2 (Designing Web Audio)
Extended Font Model: 4.6.1. The Extended Font Size Model (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
Extended Server Side Includes (XXSI): 18.5. XSSI (Web Design in a Nutshell)
extends keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
Extensible Markup Language (see XML)
30. Introduction to XML (Web Design in a Nutshell)
1.4. XHTML: What It Is (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
Extensible Style Language (XSL): 30.6. Where to Learn More (Web Design in a Nutshell)
extensions for MIME tapes: Types (Web Design in a Nutshell) 4.5. File (MIME)
extensions, HTML: 1.3.1. HTML Standards and Extensions (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
1.6. Nonstandard Extensions (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
external ActionScript files, importing text of: 16.7.2. #include (Compile-Time Import) (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
external movies, importing: 13.3.4. Importing External Movies (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide)
external style sheets: 1.4.1. The LINK Tag (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide) External style sheets (Web Design in a Nutshell)
8.1.3. External Style Sheets (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide) External, document-level, and inline JSS (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
advantages and disadvantages of using: The pros and cons of external styles (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)
creating: 11.1.1. Case 1: Consistent Look and Feel (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
with @import directive: 1.4.3. The @import Directive (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
with LINK element: 1.4.1. The LINK Tag (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
extra space around elements, adding: 7.2. Margins or Padding? (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
7.2. Margins or Padding? (Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide)
(see also margins)
extranets: 1.1. The Internet, Intranets,and Extranets (HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide)

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