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Unix Power Tools

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Index: Symbols & Numbers


< > (angle brackets)
> as Bourne shell secondary prompt: 28.9.2. A for Loop
> (greater than) operator: 36.21.1. Syntax
41.5.1. Scalars
>= (greater than or equal to) operator: 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
36.21.1. Syntax
41.5.1. Scalars
> (redirection) operator: 43.5. Redirection in C Shell: Capture Errors, Too?
> tcsh shell prompt: 1.7. Which Shell Am I Running?
>& (redirection) operator: 43.5. Redirection in C Shell: Capture Errors, Too?
>> (Unix redirect and append) operator: 17.12. Appending to an Existing File
< (less than) operator: 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
36.21.1. Syntax
41.5.1. Scalars
<= (less than or equal to) operator: 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
36.21.1. Syntax
41.5.1. Scalars
< redirection character: 43.2. One Argument with a cat Isn't Enough
<<- operator, removing tab characters: 27.16. Here Documents
<<- operator, removing TABs with: 28.13. Here Document Example #1: Unformatted Form Letters
<< (here document) operator: 27.16. Here Documents
28.13. Here Document Example #1: Unformatted Form Letters
< >, enclosing event names: 6.4. X Event Translations
<-> filename wildcard: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
< > regular expression metacharacters: 32.12. Regular Expressions: Matching Words with < and >
32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
<=> (comparison) operator in Perl: 41.5.1. Scalars
{ } (braces)
{ } regular expression metacharacters: 32.11. Regular Expressions: Matching a Specific Number of Sets with { and }
32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
awk procedures, enclosing: Patterns
dereferencing, use in: 41.5.4. References
filename wildcards: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
find command: 9.9. Running Commands on What You Find
9.17. Duplicating a Directory Tree
GNU find command and: 9.9. Running Commands on What You Find
in shells: 1.13. Wildcards
33.3. Who Handles Wildcards?
pattern-expansion characters
building strings with: 28.4. Build Strings with { }
for loop, using with: 28.9.2. A for Loop
foreach loop, using with: 28.9.1. A foreach Loop
quoting alias argument in: 29.3. C-Shell Aliases with Command-Line Arguments
sed commands enclosed in: 34.20. Making Edits Everywhere Except...
shell functions, using in: 29.11.2. Functions with Loops: Internet Lookup
variable values, interpolating: 35.3. What Environment Variables Are Good For
[ ] (brackets)
[^ ] filename wildcard: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
[ command: 35.26. test: Testing Files and Strings
numeric tests, syntax errors: 37.3. Stop Syntax Errors in Numeric Tests
string text syntax errors: 37.4. Stop Syntax Errors in String Tests
bash shell prompts, nonprinting characters: 4.10. Highlighting and Color in Shell Prompts
range operator: 21.11. Hacking on Characters with tr
references to lists in Perl: 41.5.4. References
regular expression metacharacters: 32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
^ (caret) within: 32.9. Regular Expressions: Exceptions in a Character Set
character classes: 41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching
range, specifying: 32.8. Regular Expressions: Specifying a Range of Characters with [...]
wildcards: 28.3. Use Wildcards to Create Files?
33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
fast find commands, using with: 9.19. Wildcards with "Fast find" Database
- (dash)
- numerical subtraction operator: 41.5.1. Scalars
-> (dereferencing) operator: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
41.5.4. References
command-line arguments starting with: 35.21. Handling Command-Line Arguments with a for Loop
35.22. Handling Arguments with while and shift
35.24. Standard Command-Line Parsing
double dashes, converting to em-dashes in sed: 34.20. Making Edits Everywhere Except...
filenames starting with: 14.13. Handling a Filename Starting with a Dash (-)
subtraction arithmetic operator: 36.21.1. Syntax
with << operator: 27.16. Here Documents
( ) (parentheses)
escaped-parenthesis operators in sed: 34.11. Referencing Portions of a Search String
36.23.4. Using sed
find command operator: 9.1. How to Use find
regular expression metacharacters: 32.13. Regular Expressions: Remembering Patterns with (, ), and 1
32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
commands printed in by ps: 24.8. Why ps Prints Some Commands in Parentheses
grouping operator: 13.5. grepping for a List of Patterns
combining commands with: 43.7. The ( ) Subshell Operators
extended regular expressions: 32.15. Extended Regular Expressions
Perl regular expressions: 41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching
use in Unix programs: 32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
nesting regular expressions in: 13.4. Extended Searching for Text with egrep
operator precedence, overriding with: 32.3. Understanding Expressions
Perl operators, resolving ambiguity in: 41.5.1. Scalars
subshell operator: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
43.9. How to tee Several Commands into One Place
& (ampersand)
&| background operator, Z shell: 23.11. Disowning Processes
& (logical AND) operator: 36.21.1. Syntax
&& (Boolean AND) operator: 10.13. Copying Directory Trees with tar and Pipes Patterns
28.16. Separating Commands with Semicolons
30.10. Running a Series of Commands on a File
35.14. Testing Your Success
41.3. Compiling Perl from Scratch
41.5.1. Scalars
* (asterisk)
** filename wildcard (zsh): 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
arithmetic operator (multiplication): 36.21.1. Syntax
executable files, denoting in ls -F listings: 8.10. Useful ls Aliases
filename wildcard: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
multiplication operator: 41.5.1. Scalars
regular expression metacharacter: 32.3. Understanding Expressions
32.4. Using Metacharacters in Regular Expressions
quantifier in Perl: 41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching
repeating character sets with: 32.10. Regular Expressions: Repeating Character Sets with *
use in Unix programs: 32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
shell metacharacter: 32.3. Understanding Expressions
wildcard character: 1.13. Wildcards
9.19. Wildcards with "Fast find" Database
@ (at sign)
@ARGV array: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
csh built-in operator: 28.4. Build Strings with { }
filename wildcard: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
files as symbolic links, in ls -F listings: 8.10. Useful ls Aliases
for array names: 41.5.2. Arrays
in Perl array values: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
@INC array: 41.2. Checking your Perl Installation
41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
kill character: 5.8. Setting Your Erase, Kill, and Interrupt Characters
` (backquotes)
\`\`, nested command substitution: 36.24. Nested Command Substitution
arguments, reading: 28.17. Dealing with Too Many Arguments
capturing command output in an array: 41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching
command substitution operators: 5.3. Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In
8.17. Picking a Unique Filename Automatically
28.14. Command Substitution
excluding files from deletion: 14.18. Removing Every File but One
getopt, using with: 35.24. Standard Command-Line Parsing
nesting: 28.14. Command Substitution
command substitution with: 9.2. Delving Through a Deep Directory Tree
expr command, running with: 36.22. Testing Characters in a String with expr
for loops combined with: 36.11. Standard Input to a for Loop
quoting in Bourne shell: 27.12.2. How Quoting Works
redirecting standard output: 36.16. n>&m: Swap Standard Output and Standard Error
\ (backslash)
\ ( \ ) regular expression metacharacters: 32.13. Regular Expressions: Remembering Patterns with (, ), and 1
32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
\1, \2, ... metacharacters, recalling remembered patterns: 32.13. Regular Expressions: Remembering Patterns with (, ), and 1
\ { \ } regular expression metacharacters: 32.11. Regular Expressions: Matching a Specific Number of Sets with { and }
32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
\! operator (C shell): 29.3. C-Shell Aliases with Command-Line Arguments
29.4. Setting and Unsetting Bourne-Type Aliases
in alias quoting: 29.3. C-Shell Aliases with Command-Line Arguments
escaping regular expression delimiters in sed: 34.8. Delimiting a Regular Expression
escaping regular expression metacharacters: 32.5. Regular Expressions: The Anchor Characters ^ and $
extended regular expressions and: 32.15. Extended Regular Expressions
in X Window System resource definitions: 6.3. X Resource Syntax
multiline pipes in C shell scripts: 35.19. Shell Script "Wrappers" for awk, sed, etc.
multiple-line statements in Python: 42.3.1. Indentation
before newline, shell quoting and: 27.12.4. Multiline Quoting
27.13.2. How Quoting Works
Perl variables, preventing interpolation in: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
in prompt settings: 4.15. External Commands Send Signals to Set Variables
quoting newlines in sed: 34.24. sed Newlines, Quoting, and Backslashes in a Shell Script
regular expression metacharacters
\< \> matching words with: 32.12. Regular Expressions: Matching Words with < and >
use in Unix programs: 32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
in shell quoting: 27.12. Bourne Shell Quoting
Bourne shell: 27.12.2. How Quoting Works
C shell: 27.13. Differences Between Bourne and C Shell Quoting
shell, terminal and program quoting, conflicts in: 27.18. How Many Backslashes?
\ (backspace), stripping from formatted manpages: 2.4. Searching Online Manual Pages
^ (caret)
[^ ] filename wildcard: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
^[ (ESC character): 8.6.1. Trying It
^ ^ sequence in history substitution: 30.5. My Favorite Is ^^
beginning of line anchor in regular expressions: 32.4. Using Metacharacters in Regular Expressions
32.5. Regular Expressions: The Anchor Characters ^ and $
beginning of line indicator in various utilities: 32.5. Regular Expressions: The Anchor Characters ^ and $
filename wildcard: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
in control keys: 5.8. Setting Your Erase, Kill, and Interrupt Characters
regular expression metacharacter
matching at beginning of line (Perl): 41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching
matching newline at the beginning of a multiline pattern space: 34.16. Making Edits Across Line Boundaries
negating character classes with: 32.18. Limiting the Extent of a Match
use in Unix programs: 32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
within [ ] metacharacters: 32.9. Regular Expressions: Exceptions in a Character Set
^xy^yx, shorthand substitution command: 30.8. History Substitutions
: (colon)
between item=attribute values: 8.6.2. Configuring It
Bourne shell operator: 36.6. The Unappreciated Bourne Shell ":" Operator
parameter substitution, use in: 36.7. Parameter Substitution
command in vi: 17.2. What We Cover
17.30. Setting Up vi with the .exrc File
in command-line options: 35.24. Standard Command-Line Parsing
ex commands, issuing from vi: 20.4. Useful ex Commands
logical operator: 36.21.1. Syntax
36.21.2. Examples
as null character: 35.13. Test Exit Status with the if Statement
:p operator, printing command without executing it: 30.11. Check Your History First with :p
separating fields: 1.7. Which Shell Am I Running?
5.6. Checklist: Terminal Hangs When I Log In
separating terminal type values: 5.3. Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In
shell script comments: 36.2. The Story of : # #!
string editing operators: 28.5. String Editing (Colon) Operators
translation table, event and action mappings: 6.4. X Event Translations
, (comma) in filenames: 1.11. Filenames
$ (dollar sign)
$( ) command substitution operator: 28.14. Command Substitution
36.24. Nested Command Substitution
$1, $2, etc., command-line arguments in: 29.11.3. Setting Current Shell Environment: The work Function
$- variable, displaying current flags: 3.4.2. Interactive Shells
$* argument: 36.23.1. Matching with expr
37.5. Quoting and Command-Line Parameters
$# command-line argument: 35.20.3. Counting Arguments with $#
$1 command-line arguments: 35.16. Set Exit Status of a Shell (Script)
35.20. Handling Command-Line Arguments in Shell Scripts
$0 parameter, script names in: 35.28. Finding a Program Name and Giving Your Program Multiple Names
$_ variables in Perl: 41.5.1. Scalars
41.6. Perl Boot Camp, Part 3: Branching and Looping
in bash shell prompt: 1.7. Which Shell Am I Running?
4.3. Dynamic Prompts
inside double quotes in C shell quoting: 27.13.2. How Quoting Works
end of line anchor in regular expressions: 32.5. Regular Expressions: The Anchor Characters ^ and $
end of line indicator in various utilities: 8.11. Can't Access a File? Look for Spaces in the Name
32.5. Regular Expressions: The Anchor Characters ^ and $
$Id $ in RCS files: 39.5. RCS Basics
metacharacter in regular expressions and shells: 27.17. "Special" Characters and Operators
quoting in Bourne shell: 27.12.2. How Quoting Works
regular expression metacharacter
matching at end of line (Perl): 41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching
matching newline at the end of multiline pattern space: 34.16. Making Edits Across Line Boundaries
use in Unix programs: 32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
sed addressing symbol: 34.5. sed Addressing Basics
value of Bourne shell exit status variable (?), getting: 35.12. Exit Status of Unix Processes
variable names, preceding: 35.3. What Environment Variables Are Good For
35.9. Shell Variables
41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
as wildcard: 35.11. Pattern Matching in case Statements
. (dot)
. and .. in directories: 10.2. What's Really in a Directory?
10.4.2. Links to a Directory
. and .. in pathnames: 1.16. Making Pathnames
. command, reading files with: 35.29. Reading Files with the . and source Commands
./ (dot slash), filenames beginning with: 14.13. Handling a Filename Starting with a Dash (-)
.. (integer-range) operator in zsh: 28.4. Build Strings with { }
. (string concatenation) operator: 41.5.1. Scalars
in filenames: 1.11. Filenames
1.13. Wildcards
filenames beginning with: 14.16. Problems Deleting Directories
ls command and: 8.9. Showing Hidden Files with ls -A and -a
wildcards and: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
regular expression metacharacter: 32.3. Understanding Expressions
matching any character (except newline) in Perl: 41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching
matching any character with: 32.7. Regular Expressions: Match Any Character with . (Dot)
use in Unix programs: 32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
relative pathname for current directory: 31.3. What Good Is a Current Directory?
repeat command in vi editor: 17.7. Get Back What You Deleted with Numbered Buffers
= (equal sign)
== (numeric equality) operator: 41.5.1. Scalars
=~ (pattern binding) operator: 41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching
== (relational) operator: 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
in alias definitions: 29.4. Setting and Unsetting Bourne-Type Aliases
29.6. zsh Aliases
assignment operator: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
=> (fat comma) operator in Perl: 41.5.3. Hashes
relational operator: 36.21.1. Syntax
36.21.2. Examples
socket files: 8.10. Useful ls Aliases
! (exclamation point)
[! ] filename wildcards: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
! (Boolean NOT) operator: Patterns
! (logical negation) operator: 9.1. How to Use find
41.5.1. Scalars
with find command: 9.8. Exact File-Time Comparisons
!= (not equal) operator: 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
36.21.1. Syntax
41.5.1. Scalars
!~ (pattern-matching) operator: 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
!$, specifying last argument on previous line: 32.5. Regular Expressions: The Anchor Characters ^ and $
in C shell quoting: 27.13.2. How Quoting Works
command line exit status, reversing in bash and zsh: 35.12. Exit Status of Unix Processes
filename wildcard: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
filtering vi text through Unix command: 17.18. Filtering Text Through a Unix Command
find command operator: 13.3. Finding Text That Doesn't Match
history substitution commands: 30.8. History Substitutions
!! and !: sequences: 30.8. History Substitutions
!$ notation: 29.3. C-Shell Aliases with Command-Line Arguments
!$ sequence: 30.3. My Favorite Is !$
30.6. Using !$ for Safety with Wildcards
30.8. History Substitutions
bash shell quoting and: 27.12.1. Special Characters
!:n* sequence: 30.4. My Favorite Is !:n*
regular expression metacharacter
sed editor replacements: 34.20. Making Edits Everywhere Except...
sed address followed by: 34.5. sed Addressing Basics
test command using: 35.26. test: Testing Files and Strings
in X Window System comments: 6.3. X Resource Syntax
# (hash mark)
# and ## filename wildcards: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
: (colon) used in place of: 36.6. The Unappreciated Bourne Shell ":" Operator
#! notation: 27.3.6. Default Commands
36.2. The Story of : # #!
in Bourne shell scripts: 35.1. Writing a Simple Shell Program
in Perl scripts: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
in comments: 36.2. The Story of : # #!
# $Id $, commenting RCS files in a shell or Perl script: 39.5. RCS Basics
dynamic prompts in tcsh and zsh shells: 4.3. Dynamic Prompts
erase character: 5.8. Setting Your Erase, Kill, and Interrupt Characters
in crontab entries: 25.2.1. Execution Scheduling
shell prompt for zsh shells: 27.12.2. How Quoting Works
vi editor, alternate filename: 17.3. Editing Multiple Files with vi
% (percent sign)
%?, prefixing job numbers: 23.3. Using jobs Effectively
arithmetic operator (modulus): 36.21.1. Syntax
formatting operator in Python: 42.3.5. I/O and Formatting
in shell prompts
%{ and %} delimiters for nonprinting escape sequences: 4.10. Highlighting and Color in Shell Prompts
%# (dynamic prompt), tcsh and zsh shells: 4.3. Dynamic Prompts
%! for zsh hisotry number: 4.3. Dynamic Prompts
C (csh) shell: 1.7. Which Shell Am I Running?
vi editor, current filename: 17.3. Editing Multiple Files with vi
+ (plus sign)
++ (autoincrement) operator: 41.5.1. Scalars
+ operator (one or more): 13.3. Finding Text That Doesn't Match
addition (arithmetic) operator: 32.3. Understanding Expressions
36.21.1. Syntax
41.5.1. Scalars
data command option: 8.17. Picking a Unique Filename Automatically
filename wildcard: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
in job numbers: 23.3. Using jobs Effectively
regular expression metacharacter: 13.4. Extended Searching for Text with egrep
32.15. Extended Regular Expressions
32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
quantifier in Perl: 41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching
? (question mark)
?*) wildcard metacharacters in case statements: 35.11. Pattern Matching in case Statements
Bourne shell variable for command exit status: 35.12. Exit Status of Unix Processes
filename wildcard: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
nonprinting characters, converting to with ls -q: 8.12. Showing Nonprintable Characters in Filenames
regular expression metacharacter: 13.4. Extended Searching for Text with egrep
32.15. Extended Regular Expressions
quantifier in Perl: 41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching
use in Unix programs: 32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
as secondary shell prompt: 28.9.1. A foreach Loop
shell wildcard, matching with fast find commands: 9.19. Wildcards with "Fast find" Database
wildcard character: 1.13. Wildcards
" (quotes, double)
$ and ' inside, in C shell quoting: 27.13.2. How Quoting Works
around filenames, renaming files and: 10.9. Renaming, Copying, or Comparing a Set of Files
converting straight quotes to curly quotes with sed: 34.20. Making Edits Everywhere Except...
for comments in vi .exrc file: 17.30. Setting Up vi with the .exrc File
in command arguments: 1.4. Communication with Unix
in prompts: 4.2. Static Prompts
4.6. Faster Prompt Setting with Built-ins
4.7. Multiline Shell Prompts
4.10. Highlighting and Color in Shell Prompts
in regular expressions: 13.4. Extended Searching for Text with egrep
in sed scripts: 37.8. Cleaning script Files
in shell quoting: 27.12. Bourne Shell Quoting
27.12.2. How Quoting Works
27.13. Differences Between Bourne and C Shell Quoting
ls -Q command output: 8.11. Can't Access a File? Look for Spaces in the Name
passing wildcards to programs: 33.3. Who Handles Wildcards?
search patterns in csplit program: 21.10. Splitting Files by Context: csplit
shell arrays, expanded values: 9.23.2. Expanding Ranges
variable interpolation in Perl: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
wildcard pattern matching in case statements: 35.11. Pattern Matching in case Statements
' (quotes, single)
; (semicolon), using with in C shell: 9.9. Running Commands on What You Find
around filenames, renaming files and: 10.9. Renaming, Copying, or Comparing a Set of Files
in alias quoting: 29.3. C-Shell Aliases with Command-Line Arguments
29.4. Setting and Unsetting Bourne-Type Aliases
in bash pre-prompt commands: 4.16. Preprompt, Pre-execution, and Periodic Commands
in prompts: 4.2. Static Prompts
4.7. Multiline Shell Prompts
4.10. Highlighting and Color in Shell Prompts
in shell quoting: 27.12. Bourne Shell Quoting
27.12.2. How Quoting Works
27.13. Differences Between Bourne and C Shell Quoting
inside double quotes (C shell): 27.13.2. How Quoting Works
passing wildcards to programs: 33.3. Who Handles Wildcards?
regular expressions, quoting: 32.2. Don't Confuse Regular Expressions with Wildcards
strings in case statements: 35.11. Pattern Matching in case Statements
; (semicolon)
code separator in color escape sequences: 8.6.1. Trying It
separating awk procedures: Patterns
separating commands: 28.16. Separating Commands with Semicolons
35.17. Trapping Exits Caused by Interrupts
in case statements: 35.10. Test String Values with Bourne-Shell case
find -exec and: 9.9. Running Commands on What You Find
in shell functions: 29.11.1. Simple Functions: ls with Options
/ (slash)
/* $Id $ */, commenting C program RCS files: 39.5. RCS Basics
/*/* wildcard metacharacters in case statements: 35.11. Pattern Matching in case Statements
arithmetic operator (division): 36.21.1. Syntax
arithmetic opertor (division): 41.5.1. Scalars
Bourne-type shells, quoting and: 27.12.1. Special Characters
delimiter for regular expressions in sed: 34.8. Delimiting a Regular Expression
directory, denoting in ls -F listings: 8.10. Useful ls Aliases
in filenames: 1.11. Filenames
1.13. Wildcards
in pathnames: 1.16. Making Pathnames
31.2. Using Relative and Absolute Pathnames
absolute pathnames: 1.9. Internal and External Commands
tar archives and: 38.6.1. Restoring a Few Files
wildcard matching across: 38.10.2. With GNU tar
search patterns in vi editor, delimiting: 17.8. Using Search Patterns and Global Commands
shell, treatment of: 9.19. Wildcards with "Fast find" Database
~ (tilde)
~ and !~ (pattern-matching) operators: 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
abbreviation for any directory: 29.5. Korn-Shell Aliases
filenames ending with: 31.11. Finding (Anyone's) Home Directory, Quickly
Emacs backup files: 1.12. Filename Extensions
8.7. Some GNU ls Features
for home directory: 3.7. Use Absolute Pathnames in Shell Setup Files
7.2. Many Homes
31.11. Finding (Anyone's) Home Directory, Quickly
in pathnames: 1.16. Making Pathnames
_ (underscore)
ASCII class for: 5.14. Defining What Makes Up a Word for Selection Purposes
in filenames: 1.11. Filenames
| (vertical bar)
|| (Boolean OR) operator: Patterns
28.16. Separating Commands with Semicolons
35.13. Test Exit Status with the if Statement
41.5.1. Scalars
testing scripts with: 35.14. Testing Your Success
alternation operator: 13.4. Extended Searching for Text with egrep
13.5. grepping for a List of Patterns
41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching
|& operator: 43.5. Redirection in C Shell: Capture Errors, Too?
bitwise or operator: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
command separator in ex editor: 17.14. Useful Global Commands (with Pattern Matches)
filename wildcard: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
files, named pipe (FIFO): 8.10. Useful ls Aliases
logical OR operator: 36.21.1. Syntax
noclobber variable and: 43.6. Safe I/O Redirection with noclobber
pipes: 1.5. Programs Are Designed to Work Together
redirecting standard output: 36.16. n>&m: Swap Standard Output and Standard Error
36.16. n>&m: Swap Standard Output and Standard Error
regular expression metacharacter
alternation in pattern matching: 32.15. Extended Regular Expressions
use in Unix programs: 32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
separating multiple ex editor commands: 18.6. Protecting Keys from Interpretation by ex
wildcard metacharacter in case statements: 35.11. Pattern Matching in case Statements


:0 (zero) operator, in history substitutions: 30.8. History Substitutions
0 (zero) process ID: 24.14. Killing All Your Processes
-1 process ID: 24.14. Killing All Your Processes

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