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Previous: 34.3 Configuring with V8 m4 Options Chapter 34
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34.4 Alphabetical Table of All Options

In this section we present a table of all options in alphabetical order. The leftmost column of Table 34.4 lists first the multicharacter names and then the single-characters names. The second column lists the type of argument that each option takes. These types are explained in the next section.

Table 34.4: All Options
Option Name Type Description
AliasFile ( A ) String Section 34.8.1

Define the aliases file location

AliasWait ( a ) Time Section 34.8.2

Wait for aliases file rebuild

AllowBogusHELO Boolean Section 34.8.3

Allow no host with HELO or EHLO

AutoRebuildAliases ( D ) Boolean Section 34.8.4

Autorebuild the aliases database

BlankSub ( B ) Character Section 34.8.5

Unquoted space replacement

CheckAliases ( n ) Boolean Section 34.8.6

Check right-hand side of aliases

CheckpointInterval ( C ) Numeric Section 34.8.7

Checkpoint the queue

ClassFactor ( z ) Numeric Section 34.8.8

Multiplier for priority increments

ColonOkInAddr Boolean Section 34.8.9

Allow colons in addresses

ConnectionCacheSize ( k ) Numeric Section 34.8.10

Multiple-SMTP connections

ConnectionCacheTimeout ( K ) Time Section 34.8.11

Multiple-SMTP timeouts

ConnectionRateThrottle Numeric Section 34.8.12, ConnectionRateThrottle

Incoming SMTP connection rate

DaemonPortOptions ( O ) String Section 34.8.13

Options for the daemon

DefaultCharSet String Section 34.8.14

Content-Type: character set

DefaultUser ( u ) String Section 34.8.15

Default delivery agent identity

DefaultUser ( g ) String Section 34.8.15

Default delivery agent identity

DeliveryMode ( d ) Character Section 34.8.16

Set delivery mode

DialDelay String Section 34.8.17, DialDelay

Connect failure retry time

DontExpandCnames Boolean Section 34.8.18

Prevent CNAME expansion

DontInitGroups Boolean Section 34.8.19, DontInitGroups

Don't use initgroups (3)

DontPruneRoutes ( R ) Boolean Section 34.8.20

Don't prune route addresses

DoubleBounceAddress String Section 34.8.21, DoubleBounceAddress

Errors when sending errors

EightBitMode ( 8 ) Character Section 34.8.22

How to convert MIME input

ErrorHeader ( E ) String Section 34.8.23

Set error message header

ErrorMode ( e ) Character Section 34.8.24

Specify mode of error handling

FallbackMXhost ( V ) String Section 34.8.25

Fallback MX host

ForkEachJob ( Y ) Boolean Section 34.8.26

Process queue files individually

ForwardPath ( J ) String Section 34.8.27

Set ~/.forward search path

HelpFile ( H ) String Section 34.8.28

Specify location of the help file

HoldExpensive ( c ) Boolean Section 34.8.29

Queue for expensive mailers

HostsFile String Section 34.8.30

Specify alternate /etc/hosts file

HostStatusDirectory String Section 34.8.31

Location of persistent host status

IgnoreDots ( i ) Boolean Section 34.8.32

Ignore leading dots in messages

LogLevel ( L ) Numeric Section 34.8.33

Set (increase) logging level

MatchGECOS ( G ) Boolean Section 34.8.34

Match recipient in gecos field

MaxDaemonChildren Numeric Section 34.8.35

Maximum forked children

MaxHopCount ( h ) Numeric Section 34.8.36

Set maximum hop count

MaxMessageSize Numeric Section 34.8.37

Max ESMTP message size

MaxQueueRunSize Numeric Section 34.8.38

Max queue messages processed

MeToo ( m ) Boolean Section 34.8.39

Send to me too

MinFreeBlocks ( b ) Numeric Section 34.8.40

Define minimum free disk blocks

MinQueueAge Time Section 34.8.41

Skip queue file if too young

MustQuoteChars String Section 34.8.42, MustQuoteChars

Quote nonaddress characters

NoRecipientAction String Section 34.8.43 Handle no recipients in header
OldStyleHeaders ( o ) Boolean Section 34.8.44

Allow spaces in recipient lists

OperatorChars $o String Section 34.8.45

Set token separation operators

PostmasterCopy ( P ) String Section 34.8.46

Extra copies of postmaster mail

PrivacyOptions ( p ) String Section 34.8.47

Increase privacy of the daemon

QueueDirectory ( Q ) String Section 34.8.48

Location of queue directory

QueueFactor ( q ) Numeric Section 34.8.49

Factor for high-load queuing

QueueLA ( x ) Numeric Section 34.8.50

On high load, queue only

QueueSortOrder Character Section 34.8.51

How to presort the queue

QueueTimeout ( T ) Time Section 34.8.52

Limit life in queue to days

RecipientFactor ( y ) Numeric Section 34.8.53

Penalize large recipient lists

RefuseLA ( X ) Numeric Section 34.8.54

Refuse connections on high load

ResolverOptions ( I ) String Section 34.8.55

Tune DNS lookups

RetryFactor ( Z ) Numeric Section 34.8.56

Increment per job priority

RunAsUser String Section 34.8.57, RunAsUser

Run as nonroot

SafeFileEnvironment String Section 34.8.58

Directory for safe file writes

SaveFromLine ( f ) Boolean Section 34.8.59

Save UNIX-style From lines

SendMimeErrors ( j ) Boolean Section 34.8.60

Return MIME-format errors

ServiceSwitchFile String Section 34.8.61, ServiceSwitchFile

Switched services file

SevenBitInput ( 7 ) Boolean Section 34.8.62

Force 7-bit input

SingleLineFromHeader Boolean Section 34.8.63

Strip newlines from From:

SingleThreadDelivery Boolean Section 34.8.64

Set single threaded delivery

SmtpGreetingMessage $e String Section 34.8.65

The SMTP greeting message

StatusFile ( S ) String Section 34.8.66

Specify statistics file

SuperSafe ( s ) Boolean Section 34.8.67

Queue everything just in case

TempFileMode ( F ) Octal Section 34.8.68

Permissions for temporary files

TimeZoneSpec ( t ) String Section 34.8.69

Set time zone

Timeout ( r ) String Section 34.8.70

Set timeouts

TryNullMXList ( w ) Boolean Section 34.8.71

Use A if no best MX record

UnixFromLine $l String Section 34.8.72

Define the From format

UnsafeGroupWrites Boolean Section 34.8.73

Check unsafe group permissions

UseErrorsTo ( l ) Boolean Section 34.8.74

Use Errors-To: for errors

UserDatabaseSpec ( U ) String Section 34.8.75

Specify user database

Verbose ( v ) Boolean Section 34.8.76

Run in verbose mode

( M ) String Section 34.8.77

Define a macro

Previous: 34.3 Configuring with V8 m4 Options sendmail Next: 34.5 Option Argument Types
34.3 Configuring with V8 m4 Options Book Index 34.5 Option Argument Types