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Previous: 34.2 Configuration-File Options Chapter 34
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34.3 Configuring with V8 m4 Options

In creating a configuration file with the V8 m4 method (see Chapter 19, V8 m4 Configuration ), every option can be tuned by including appropriate define statements in your .mc file:





<- enclose in opposing half-quotes
<- for example

The option is selected from one of the m4 option names shown in the leftmost column of Table 34.3 . The value is an appropriate value for that option, as described in the reference section of this chapter. Note that the option and the value should each be enclosed in opposing half-quotes to prevent m4 from wrongly recognizing either as a keyword or macro. The leftmost half-quote is the reverse apostrophe, and the rightmost is the normal apostrophe.

Table 34.3: All V8 m4 Options Ordered by m4 Name
V8 m4 Option Name Option Name
ALIAS_FILE AliasFile ( A ) Section 34.8.1, AliasFile (A)
confALIAS_WAIT AliasWait ( a ) Section 34.8.2, AliasWait (a)
confAUTO_REBUILD AutoRebuildAliases ( D ) Section 34.8.4, AutoRebuildAliases (D)
confBIND_OPTS ResolverOptions ( I ) Section 34.8.55, ResolverOptions (I)
confBLANK_SUB BlankSub ( B ) Section 34.8.5, BlankSub (B)
confCHECKPOINT_INTERVAL CheckpointInterval ( C ) Section 34.8.7
confCHECK_ALIASES CheckAliases ( n ) Section 34.8.6, CheckAliases (n)
confCOLON_OK_IN_ADDR ColonOkInAddr Section 34.8.9
confCON_EXPENSIVE HoldExpensive ( c ) Section 34.8.29, HoldExpensive (c)
confTO_HOSTSTATUS Timeout.hoststatus Section, "Timeout.hoststatus"
confCOPY_ERRORS_TO PostmasterCopy ( P ) Section 34.8.46, PostmasterCopy (P)
confMAX_DAEMON_CHILDREN MaxDaemonChildren Section 34.8.35
confDAEMON_OPTIONS DaemonPortOptions ( O ) Section 34.8.13, DaemonPortOptions (O)
confDEF_GROUP_ID ( g ) Section 34.8.15, DefaultUser (g)(u)
confDEF_USER_ID DefaultUser ( u ) Section 34.8.15
confDELIVERY_MODE DeliveryMode ( d ) Section 34.8.16
confDONT_EXPAND_CNAMES DontExpandCnames Section 34.8.18, DontExpandCnames
confDONT_PRUNE_ROUTES DontPruneRoutes ( R ) Section 34.8.20, DontPruneRoutes (R)
confEIGHT_BIT_HANDLING EightBitMode ( 8 ) Section 34.8.22
confERROR_MODE ErrorMode ( e ) Section 34.8.24
confERROR_MESSAGE ErrorHeader ( E ) Section 34.8.23, ErrorHeader (E)
confFALLBACK_MX FallbackMXhost ( V ) Section 34.8.25, FallbackMXhost (V)
confFORWARD_PATH ForwardPath ( J ) Section 34.8.27, ForwardPath (J)
confFROM_LINE UnixFromLine $l Section 34.8.72, UnixFromLine or $l
HELP_FILE HelpFile ( H ) Section 34.8.28, HelpFile (H)
confHOSTS_FILE HostsFile Section 34.8.30, HostsFile
confHOST_STATUS_DIRECTORY HostStatusDirectory Section 34.8.31, HostStatusDirectory
confIGNORE_DOTS IgnoreDots ( i ) Section 34.8.32
confLOG_LEVEL LogLevel ( L ) Section 34.8.33
confMATCH_GECOS MatchGECOS ( G ) Section 34.8.34, MatchGECOS (G)
confMAX_HOP MaxHopCount ( h ) Section 34.8.36, MaxHopCount (h)
confMAX_MESSAGE_SIZE MaxMessageSize Section 34.8.37, MaxMessageSize
confMAX_QUEUE_RUN_SIZE MaxQueueRunSize Section 34.8.38
confMCI_CACHE_SIZE ConnectionCacheSize ( k ) Section 34.8.10, ConnectionCacheSize (k)
confMCI_CACHE_TIMEOUT ConnectionCacheTimeout ( K ) Section 34.8.11, ConnectionCacheTimeout (K)
confMESSAGE_TIMEOUT QueueTimeout ( T ) Section 34.8.52, QueueTimeout (T)
confME_TOO MeToo ( m ) Section 34.8.39
confMIME_FORMAT_ERRORS SendMimeErrors ( j ) Section 34.8.60
confMIN_FREE_BLOCKS MinFreeBlocks ( b ) Section 34.8.40
confNO_RCPT_ACTION NoRecipientAction Section 34.8.43
confOLD_STYLE_HEADERS OldStyleHeaders ( o ) Section 34.8.44
confOPERATORS OperatorChars Section 34.8.45, OperatorChars or $o
confPRIVACY_FLAGS PrivacyOptions ( p ) Section 34.8.47
QUEUE_DIR QueueDirectory ( Q ) Section 34.8.48, QueueDirectory (Q)
confQUEUE_FACTOR QueueFactor ( q ) Section 34.8.49, QueueFactor (q)
confQUEUE_LA QueueLA ( x ) Section 34.8.50, QueueLA (x)
confQUEUE_SORT_ORDER QueueSortOrder Section 34.8.51
confREAD_TIMEOUT Timeout ( r ) Section 34.8.70, Timeout (r)
confREFUSE_LA RefuseLA ( X ) Section 34.8.54, RefuseLA (X)
confSAFE_FILE_ENV SafeFileEnvironment Section 34.8.58, SafeFileEnvironment
confSAFE_QUEUE SuperSafe ( s ) Section 34.8.67
confSAVE_FROM_LINES SaveFromLine ( f ) Section 34.8.59, SaveFromLine (f)
confSEPARATE_PROC ForkEachJob ( Y ) Section 34.8.26, ForkEachJob (Y)
confSEVEN_BIT_INPUT SevenBitInput ( 7 ) Section 34.8.62
confSINGLE_THREAD_DELIVERY SingleThreadDelivery Section 34.8.64
confSMTP_LOGIN_MSG SmtpGreetingMessage $e Section 34.8.65, SmtpGreetingMessage or $e
STATUS_FILE StatusFile ( S ) Section 34.8.66, StatusFile (S)
confTEMP_FILE_MODE TempFileMode ( F ) Section 34.8.68, TempFileMode (F)
confTIME_ZONE TimeZoneSpec ( t ) Section 34.8.69, TimeZoneSpec (t)
confTO_COMMAND Timeout.command Section, "Timeout.command"
confTO_CONNECT Timeout.connect Section, "Timeout.connect"
confTO_DATABLOCK Timeout.datablock Section, "Timeout.datablock"
confTO_DATAFINAL Timeout.datafinal Section, "Timeout.datafinal"
confTO_DATAINIT Timeout.datainit Section, "Timeout.datainit"
confTO_FILEOPEN Timeout.fileopen Section, "Timeout.fileopen"
confTO_HELO Timeout.helo Section, "Timeout.helo"
confTO_HOSTSTATUS Timeout.hoststatus Section
confTO_ICONNECT Timeout.iconnect Section, "Timeout.iconnect"
confTO_IDENT Timeout.ident Section, "Timeout.ident"
confTO_INITIAL Timeout.initial Section, "Timeout.initial"
confTO_MAIL Timeout.mail Section, "Timeout.mail"
confTO_MISC Timeout.misc Section, "Timeout.misc"
confTO_QUIT Timeout.quit Section, "Timeout.quit"
confTO_QUEUERETURN Timeout.queuereturn Section, "Timeout.queuereturn"
confTO_QUEUERETURN_NONURGENT Timeout.queuereturn.non-urgent Section
confTO_QUEUERETURN_NORMAL Timeout.queuereturn.normal Section
confTO_QUEUERETURN_URGENT Timeout.queuereturn.urgent Section
confTO_QUEUEWARN Timeout.queuewarn Section, "Timeout.queuewarn"
confTO_QUEUEWARN_NONURGENT Timeout.queuewarn.non-urgent Section
confTO_QUEUEWARN_NORMAL Timeout.queuewarn.normal Section
confTO_QUEUEWARN_URGENT Timeout.queuewarn.urgent Section
confTO_RCPT Timeout.rcpt Section, "Timeout.rcpt"
confTO_RSET Timeout.rset Section, "Timeout.rset"
confTRY_NULL_MX_LIST TryNullMXList ( w ) Section 34.8.71, TryNullMXList (w)
confUNSAFE_GROUP_WRITES UnsafeGroupWrites Section 34.8.73, UnsafeGroupWrites
confUSERDB_SPEC UserDatabaseSpec ( U ) Section 34.8.75, UserDatabaseSpec (U)
confUSE_ERRORS_TO UseErrorsTo ( l ) Section 34.8.74
confWORK_CLASS_FACTOR ClassFactor ( z ) Section 34.8.8, ClassFactor (z)
confWORK_RECIPIENT_FACTOR RecipientFactor ( y ) Section 34.8.53, RecipientFactor (y)
confWORK_TIME_FACTOR RetryFactor ( Z ) Section 34.8.56, RetryFactor (Z)

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34.2 Configuration-File Options Book Index 34.4 Alphabetical Table of All Options