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HTML Information Architecture for the World Wide Webamp; XHTML: The Definitive GuideSearch this book

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Index: E

elements, nesting (see nesting)
<em> tags: Content-based text styles
4.4.6. The <em> Tag
email, mailto URL for: 6.2.8. The mailto URL
9.2.2. The enctype Attribute
defining mail header fields: Defining mail header fields
form data via: 9.4. Using Email to Collect Form Data
<embed> tags, for audio: 5.4.2. Alternative Audio Support
embedded guides: 17.4.4. Embedded Guides
embedded links (see hyperlinks)
embedded objects: 5.6.1. Embedded Versus Referenced Content
5.6.4. Embedding Other Document Types
<object> tags: 12.2. Embedded Content
tags: 12.2.2. The <param> Tag
12.2.3. The <applet> Tag (Deprecated)
12.2.4. The <embed> Tag
12.2.5. The <noembed> Tag
embedded tags: 2.3. Embedded Tags
2.3. Embedded Tags
(see also HTML tags)
emphasis, tags for: 4.4.5. The <dfn> Tag
4.4.6. The <em> Tag
4.4.9. The <strong> Tag
4.5.1. The <b> Tag
4.5.3. The <blink> Tag
4.5.4. The <i> Tag
empty elements in XHTML documents: 16.3.3. Handling Empty Elements
encoding: The type attribute
(see also content types)
file-selection controls and: File-selection controls
enctype attribute: 9.2.2. The enctype Attribute File-selection controls
ending tags: 2.3.1. Start and End Tags
3.3.3. Starting and Ending Tags
16.3.3. Handling Empty Elements
omitting in HTML: 3.3.5. Tags Without Ends
XHTML vs. HTML documents: 16.3.2. End Tags
entities: Special text characters
3.5.2. Character Entities
4.10. Special Character Encoding
JavaScript: 12.3.5. JavaScript Entities
URL encodings: Handling reserved and unsafe characters
entity and element declarations (XML) (see DTD for XML)
equal sign (=) for tag attributes: 3.3.1. The Syntax of a Tag
event attributes: Event attributes
event handlers, JavaScript: 12.3.3. JavaScript Event Handlers
12.3.3. JavaScript Event Handlers
(see also event attributes)
executable content: 12. Executable Content
applets: 12.1. Applets and Objects
JavaScript style sheets: 12.4. JavaScript Style Sheets
explicit label associations (forms): Implicit and explicit associations
Extended Font Model: 4.6.1. The Extended Font Size Model
Extensible Markup Language (see XML)
extensions, HTML: 1.3.1. HTML Standards and Extensions
1.6. Nonstandard Extensions
external style sheets: 8.1.3. External Style Sheets External, document-level, and inline JSS
advantages and disadvantages of using: The pros and cons of external styles
extranets: 1.1. The Internet, Intranets,and Extranets

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