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Index: B

<b> (bold) tag: 8.2.4. Nesting HTML Tags
10.1.2. Text Appearance (Inline Styles)
10.3.2. Physical Styles
audio: 24.7.2. Background Sound
colors: 17.5.3. Background Properties
Flash movies: The <embed> tag
GIF animation: 23.5.5. Other Options
tables: 13.4.6. Coloring Tables
images/patterns: 17.5.3. Background Properties
positioning and scrolling: 17.5.3. Background Properties
tiling: 9.3.2. Tiling Background Graphics
style sheet properties: 17.5.3. Background Properties
background-attachment property (CSS): 17.5.3. Background Properties
background attribute
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
9.1. Summary of Structural Tags
9.3.2. Tiling Background Graphics
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
background-color property (CSS): 17.5.3. Background Properties
background-image property (CSS): 17.5.3. Background Properties
background-position property (CSS): 17.5.3. Background Properties
background property (CSS): 17.5.3. Background Properties
background-repeat property (CSS): 17.5.3. Background Properties
Bare Bones Software, Inc.: 8.6.1. HTML Editors
base attribute: The <embed> tag
<base> tag: Other header elements
baseline height, text: 17.5.1. Type-Related Properties
baseline value
align: 12.3.4. Vertical Alignment
valign: 13.4.3. Aligning Text in Cells
13.6.3. Baseline Alignment Trick
BBEdit (Bare Bones Software, Inc.) HTML editor: 8.6.1. HTML Editors
Beatnik, using .rmf files: 24.5.9. Beatnik's Rich Music Format (.rmf)
behavior attribute (): 12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags
bgcolor attribute
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
13.4.6. Coloring Tables
9.1. Summary of Structural Tags
9.3.1. Colors
12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
13.4.6. Coloring Tables
13.4.6. Coloring Tables
13.7.4. Creating a Box Rule The <embed> tag
bgproperties attribute (): 9.1. Summary of Structural Tags
<bgsound> tag:24.7.2. Background Sound
bi-directional override: 7.2.2. Directionality
Bias (Peak): Mac audio tools
<big> tag: 10.1.2. Text Appearance (Inline Styles)
binary mode, transferring files: 4.4.1. The FTP Process
WAP: 32.1.2. How WAP Works
bit depth: Reduce number of colors (bit depth)
audio files: 24.1. Basic Digital Audio Concepts
24.3.3. Optimizing for the Web
GIF files: 19.2. 8-Bit Indexed Color
animation: 23.5.5. Other Options
JPEG images: 20.1. 24-Bit Color
PNG images: 21.4.1. 8-Bit Palette Images
video clips: 25.1. Basic Digital Video Concepts
Bitstream (font designers): 3.2.4. Embedded Fonts
black and white, designing for: 2.4. Monitor Color Issues
2.4. Monitor Color Issues
(see also grayscale)
_blank target (): 11.5. Targeting Windows
14.5.2. Reserved target names
blenders, color: 22.4. Color Blenders
<blink> tags: 10.1.2. Text Appearance (Inline Styles)
10.3.2. Physical Styles
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
13.3.1. Rows and Cells Embedded style sheets
17.5.1. Type-Related Properties
avoiding: 6.1.3. The Techniques
block-level elements: 10.2.1. Paragraphs and Line Breaks
<blockquote> tag: 10.1.1. Paragraphs and Headings (Block-Level Elements)
Bobby validator: 6.1.3. The Techniques
<body> tag: 9.1. Summary of Structural Tags
bold tag (see tag)
boldness, text: 17.5.1. Type-Related Properties
bookmarks, frames and: 14.2.2. Disadvantages
border attribute
12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags
12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags
12.1. Summary of Object Placement Tags
12.3.1. Linked Graphics
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
13.4.1. Borders, Frames, and Rules Returns and spaces within <td> tags
14.1. Summary of Frame Tags
border-bottom property (CSS): 17.5.2. Box Properties
border-bottom-width property (CSS): 17.5.2. Box Properties
border-color property (CSS): 17.5.2. Box Properties
border colors for frames: Border color
border-left property (CSS): 17.5.2. Box Properties
border-left-width property (CSS): 17.5.2. Box Properties
border property (CSS): 17.5.2. Box Properties
border-right property (CSS): 17.5.2. Box Properties
border-right-width property (CSS): 17.5.2. Box Properties
border-style property (CSS): 17.5.2. Box Properties
border-top property (CSS): 17.5.2. Box Properties
border-top-width property (CSS): 17.5.2. Box Properties
border-width property (CSS): 17.5.2. Box Properties
bordercolor attribute
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
14.1. Summary of Frame Tags
14.1. Summary of Frame Tags
bordercolordark attribute
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
bordercolorlight attribute
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
13.1. Summary of Table Tags
frames: 14.4.1. Frame Borders and Spacing
style sheet properties for: 17.5.2. Box Properties
tables and: 13.4.1. Borders, Frames, and Rules
bottom value (align): 12.3.4. Vertical Alignment
Boutell, Thomas: Available tools
21.1. The PNG Story
box properties (style sheets): 17.5.2. Box Properties
box rules (example): 13.7.4. Creating a Box Rule
BoxTop Software
GIFmation: 23.5. Creating Animated GIFs
23.5. Creating Animated GIFs
PhotoGIF: 19.5. Tools Overview
ProJPEG utility: 20.5. Creating JPEGs
20.6.2. "Optimized" JPEGs
<br> tag: 10.1.3. Spacing and Positioning
Braille (see accessibility)
braille media type, connecting style sheets and HTML: 5.3.2. Connecting the Style Sheets and HTML
brightness, display: 2.4. Monitor Color Issues
21.6.2. Gamma Correction
Browser Watch site: General statistics listings
client-pull, meta tags for: Meta tags for client-pull
color name support: 16.2.2. Color Name Cautions
colors on the Web: 3.3. Color on the Web
designing for: 1. Designing for a Variety of Browsers
print designers and: 3.1.1. Designing for the Unknown
strategies: 1.3. Design Strategies
determining type and version: 17.1.3. Strategies for Using Style Sheets Today
DHTML, detecting with: 29.6. Browser Detection
feature overview: 1.2.3. Browser Features
GIF animation support: 23.3. Browser Support
ignoring information: 8.3. Information Browsers Ignore
JavaScript, handling multiple with: 28.4. Handling Multiple Browsers
list of: 1.1.1. The "Big Two"
Òlive space,Ó considering: 2.1.2. "Live" Space in the Browser Window
margins, adjusting: 9.3.3. Adjusting Browser Margins
objects, centering in window: 13.7.2. Centering an Object in the Browser Window
PNG support: 21.3. Platform/Browser Support
print mechanisms: 5.1. Browser Print Mechanisms
status bar text: 11.4.5. Changing Status Bar Text with JavaScript
style sheet support: 17.1.2. Disadvantages
typography: 3.2. Typography on the Web
usage statistics: 1.2. Browser Usage Statistics
trends: 1.2.2. Current Browser Usage Trends
WAP: 32.2.2. WAP Browsers
Web Palette and: 3.3.2. Color in Browsers ( The Web Palette)
window resizing and page size: 2.2. Fixed Versus Flexible Web Page Design
bullets (lists): Changing the bullet shape
CSS properties: 17.5.4. Classification Properties
Burns, Martin: 15.6.3. Working with Menus
buttons, JavaScript-enabled: Rollover buttons
buttons on forms
tags for: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags
checkboxes: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags Checkbox (type=checkbox)
custom: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags Custom button (type=button)
image: Image button (type=image)
radio: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags Radio button (type=radio)
submit and reset: 15.1. Summary of Form Tags Submit and reset buttons (type=submit; type=reset)
byteserving, linking to PDF files: Linking to a specific page in a PDF file

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