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ActionScript: The Definitive GuideSearch this book

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Index: B

BACKSPACE property (Key object): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
balance of left/right channels
determining: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
setting: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
Bandwidth Profiler (debugging tool): 19.1.4. The Bandwidth Profiler
logarithm of e: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
number system (binary system): 15.2. Bitwise Programming
base-8 integers: 4.3.1. Integer Literals
base class of ActionScript: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
batch vs. event-based programs: 1.2.6. The Event-Based Execution Model
Beck, Kent: 19.2.4. Fixing Bugs
binary numbers and bitwise operators: 15.2. Bitwise Programming
binary operators: 5.1.2. Number of Operands
bits (binary digits): 15.2. Bitwise Programming
bitwise AND (&) operator: 15.2.1. Bitwise AND
bitwise AND assignment (&=) operator: 5.1.3. Operator Precedence
bitwise eXclusive OR (^) operator: 15.2.3. Bitwise XOR
bitwise left shift assignment (<<=) operator: 5.1.3. Operator Precedence
bitwise left shift (<<) operator: Left shift
bitwise NOT (~) operator: 15.2.4. Bitwise NOT
bitwise operators: 15.2. Bitwise Programming
real-life operations: 15.2.6. Bitwise Operations Applied
vs. logical operators: 5.11.1. The Bitwise Operators
bitwise OR (|) operator: 15.2.2. Bitwise OR
bitwise OR assignment (|=) operator: 5.1.3. Operator Precedence
bitwise shift operators: 15.2.5. The Bitwise Shift Operators
bitwise signed right shift assignment (>>=) operator: 5.1.3. Operator Precedence
bitwise signed right shift (>>) operator: Signed right shift
bitwise unsigned right shift assignment (>>>=) operator: 5.1.3. Operator Precedence
bitwise unsigned right shift (>>>) operator: Unsigned right shift
bitwise XOR (^) operator: 15.2.3. Bitwise XOR
bitwise XOR assignment (^=) operator: 5.1.3. Operator Precedence
blank keyframes, adding: 1.3.7. Building the Quiz End
blurring (see antialiasing)
bold text (HTML support in text fields): 18.5.1. <B> (Bold)
Boolean class: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
Boolean datatype: 3.2.1. The ActionScript Datatypes
4.7. The Boolean Type
datatypes to: 3.4.1. Automatic Type Conversion Converting to a Boolean
7.1. The if Statement
values to: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
equality rules for: 5.4.1. Primitive Datatype Equality
Boolean() global function: Converting to a Boolean
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
boolean keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words
Boolean logical operators (see logical operators)
Boolean values
comparison operators and: Character order and alphabetic comparisons
4.7. The Boolean Type
equality/inequality operators and: Using the equality (==) and inequality (!=) operators
Boolean.toString(): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
Boolean.valueOf(): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
Border/Bg option for text fields: 18.3.3. Border/Bg
bounding boxes, determining: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
branching logic and logical operators: 5.7. The Logical Operators
break statement: 6.3. The ActionScript Statements
8.6.1. The break Statement
brightness, setting with a Color object: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
browsers, web (see web browsers)
bugs (see debugging)
built-in classes: 12.6.1. Built-in Classes
20.3. Built-in Classes and Objects
attaching event handlers to: 10.6.2. Attaching Event Handlers to Other Objects
10.16. Dynamic Movie Clip Event Handlers
event handler scope: 10.7.3. Other Object Event Handler Scope
built-in functions: Built-in functions Built-in functions
20.1. Global Functions
mathematical: 4.4.2. Built-in Mathematical Functions
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
built-in movie clip
methods: 13.8.3. Built-in Movie Clip Methods
properties: 13.7. Built-in Movie Clip Properties
built-in objects: 12.6.2. Built-in Objects
20.3. Built-in Classes and Objects
for-in loops and: 8.5. The for-in Loop
button event handlers: 16.3. Adding Scripts to Buttons
button events for: 10.8. Button Events
defining: 10.5. Event Handler Syntax
scope rules: 10.7.2. Button Event Handler Scope
button events: 10.8. Button Events
dragOut: 10.8.6. dragOut
dragOver: 10.8.7. dragOver
press: 10.8.1. press
release: 10.8.2. release
releaseOutside: 10.8.3. releaseOutside
rollOut: 10.8.5. rollOut
rollOver: 10.8.4. rollOver
simulating dynamic event handling: 10.16. Dynamic Movie Clip Event Handlers
adding code to: 1.3.6. Scripting the Answer Buttons
adding scripts to: 16.3. Adding Scripts to Buttons
attaching event handlers to: 10.6.1. Attaching Event Handlers to Buttons and Movie Clips
hit areas of: 10.8. Button Events
toggling yellow highlight rectangle: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
byte keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words
checking number downloaded to Player: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
checking size of clips or movies in: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference

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