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Learning the vi Editor

Learning the vi EditorSearch this book
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Simple Editing
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2.6 Review of Basic vi Commands

Table 2.1 presents a few of the commands you can perform by combining the commands c , d , and y with various text objects. The last two rows show additional commands for editing. Table 2.2 and Table 2.3 lists some other basic commands.

Table 2.1: Edit Commands
Text Object Change Delete Copy
1 word cw dw yw

2 words, not counting punctuation

2cW or c2W 2dW or d2W 2yW or y2W
3 words back 3cb or c3b 3db or d3b 3yb or y3b
1 line cc dd yy or Y
to end of line c$ or C d$ or D y$
to beginning of line c0 d0 y0
single character r x or X yl or yh
five characters 5s 5x 5yl
Table 2.2: Movement
Movement Commands
<-,-v,-^, ->

h , j , k , l

forward by word w or W
backward by word b or B
to end of line $
to beginning of line 0
Table 2.3: Other Operations
Operations Commands
place text from buffer P or p
start vi , open file if specified vi file
save edits, quit file ZZ
no saving of edits, quit file :q!

You can get by in vi using only the commands listed in Table 2.1 , Table 2.2 , and Table 2.3 . However, in order to harness the real power of vi (and increase your own productivity), you will need more tools. The following chapters describe those tools.

Previous: 2.5 Joining Two Lines with J Learning the vi Editor Next: 3. Moving Around in a Hurry
2.5 Joining Two Lines with J Book Index 3. Moving Around in a Hurry

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