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Previous: 6.3 The local Delivery Agent Chapter 6
The Mail Hub and Delivery Agents
Next: 6.5 Things to Try

6.4 Add the Missing Parts to Mhub

The final step in creating the hub mail delivery agent definition is to fill in its missing F= , S= , R= , and T= equates.

Edit the file again and add the new parts shown below to the Mhub definition:

# Delivery agent definition to forward mail to hub Mhub,   P=[IPC], 

S=0, R=0, F=mDFMuXa



, A=IPC $h                  -^    -^    -^          -^                  
new  new  new        new

Here, the S= and R= equates are given a value of zero. The S= equate specifies the sender-rewriting rule set. The R= equate specifies the recipient-rewriting rule set. Because there are no rule sets yet, these equates are set to zero. You will be giving them real rule-set numbers when we begin to cover rule sets in Chapter 8 .

The T= is the same as the T= in local except that instead of expecting UNIX errors, we will expect SMTP errors because we will be speaking SMTP to the hub. More about this later.

The flags listed in the F=mDFMuXa equate of the hub definition are typical of those generally used in [IPC] delivery agent definitions. You may want to change these depending on your needs. All the available flags are listed in Chapter 30 . The ones we selected are summarized in Table 6.1 .

Table 6.1: The hub Delivery Agent's F= Flags
Flag Description
m This agent can deliver to more than one user at a time.
D Include a Date: in the header (if one is not present).
F Include a From: in the header (if one is not present).
M Include a Message-ID: in the header (if one is not present).
u Preserve the case of the recipient name.
X Pass lone dots on a line by doubling them.
a Run extended SMTP protocol

The mailer delivery agent definitions are now roughed out. Remember that the symbolic name ( hub or local ) is the only part of these definitions that will be referenced in later rule sets. Also notice that the last equate of each definition, the A= command-line equate, ends with a macro ( $h or $u ). We cover macros in the next chapter.

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6.3 The local Delivery Agent Book Index 6.5 Things to Try