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Index: N

name service
16.2.6. Name Service Other naming services
security and : 16.3.2. Security and Nameservice
name-value pairs in BNU UUCP : Name-value pairs
named daemon : DNS under UNIX
named nameserver : DNS nameserver attacks
named-xfer program : DNS under UNIX
named.boot file DNS zone transfers DNS nameserver attacks
choosing UUCP : 15.5.2. Permissions Commands
16.2.3. Hostnames The /etc/hosts file
user : (see usernames)
nameserver attacks, DNS : DNS nameserver attacks
nameserver cache loading : 16.3.2. Security and Nameservice
Ames Research Center : F.3.4.22. NASA: Ames Research Center
NASA: Goddard Space Flight Center : F.3.4.23. NASA: Goddard Space Flight Center
National Aeronautical Space Agency : (see NASA)
National Computer Security Center (NCSC) : F.2.1. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
National Institute of Standards and Technology : (see NIST)
National Science Foundation Network : (see networks, NFSNET)
national security : 26.2.2. Federal Jurisdiction
natural disasters
1.1. What Is Computer Security? A taxonomy of computer failures Physical security for backups Fire
(see also physical security)
accidents : 12.2.2. Preventing Accidents
earthquakes : Earthquake
fires Fire Smoke
12.2. Protecting Computer Hardware Lightning
natural gas : Explosion
Naval Computer Incident Response Team (NAVCIRT) : F.3.4.44. U.S. Department of the Navy
ncheck command : The ncheck command
-s option The ncheck command
5.6. Device Files
NCSA HTTPD server : 10.3.5. access_log Log File
NCSA server : (see Web servers)
NCSC (National Computer Security Center) : F.2.1. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
needexpnhelo (sendmail) : Improving the security of Berkeley sendmail V8
needmailhelo (sendmail) : Improving the security of Berkeley sendmail V8
needvrfyhelo (sendmail) : Improving the security of Berkeley sendmail V8
nested directories : Tree-structure attacks
Netgroup table (NIS+) : 19.5.3. NIS+ Tables
netgroups, NIS
19.4.4. NIS Netgroups NIS is confused about "+"
limiting imported accounts : Using netgroups to limit the importing of accounts
3.2.2. The /etc/passwd File and Network Databases Other naming services
Netmasks table (NIS+) : 19.5.3. NIS+ Tables
netnews~firewalls : 21.4.3. Netnews
.netrc file : 10.4.3. Network Setup
Netscape Navigator
encryption system of : 18.4.1. Eavesdropping Over the Wire
random number generator : 23.8. Picking a Random Seed
netstat command
17.5. Monitoring Your Network with netstat
24.2.1. Catching One in the Act
24.2.4. Tracing a Connection
-a option : 17.5. Monitoring Your Network with netstat
-n option : 17.5. Monitoring Your Network with netstat
network connections : 17.3.3. TELNET (TCP Port 23)
network databases : 3.2.2. The /etc/passwd File and Network Databases
Network Filesystem : (see NFS)
network filesystems : 5.5.5. Turning Off SUID and SGID in Mounted Filesystems
Network Information Center (NIC) : How to contact the system administrator of a computer you don't know
Network Information System : (see NIS)
Network News Transport Protocol : (see NNTP)
network providers : 27.2.6. Network Providers that Network Too Well
network services
17. TCP/IP Services
17.7. Summary
23.3. Tips on Writing Network Programs
DNS : (see DNS)
encryption with : 17.4. Security Implications of Network Services
finger : (see finger command)
FTP : (see FTP)
NNTP : (see NNTP)
NTP : (see NTP)
passwords for : 17.4. Security Implications of Network Services
POP : (see POP)
root account with : 17.4. Security Implications of Network Services
securing : 19.1. Securing Network Services
SMTP : (see SMTP)
SNMP : (see SNMP)
spoofing : 17.5. Monitoring Your Network with netstat
systat : 17.3.1. systat (TCP Port 11)
table of : G. Table of IP Services
Telnet : (see Telnet utility)
TFTP : (see TFTP)
UUCP over TCP : 17.3.20. UUCP over TCP (TCP Port 540)
Network Time Protocol : (see NTP)
network weaving : Who is on the Internet?
10Base-T : Eavesdropping by Ethernet and 10Base-T
allowing threats from : 11.4. Entry
ARPANET : 16.1.1. The Internet
backing up
7.2.2. Small Network of Workstations and a Server
7.2.4. Large Service-Based Networks with Large Budgets
backups across : 7.4.5. Backups Across the Net
cables for : Network cables
checklist for
A.1.1.15. Chapter 16: TCP/IP Networks
A.1.1.16. Chapter 17: TCP/IP Services
configuration files : 10.4.3. Network Setup
connectors for : Network connectors
cutting cables : 25.1. Destructive Attacks
denial of service on
25.3. Network Denial of Service Attacks
25.3.4. Clogging
disabling physically : 25.3.3. Signal Grounding
Internet : 16.1.1. The Internet
LANs : (see LANs)
logging across : Logging across the network
logging services of : 10.3.6. Logging Network Services
MANs : 16.1. Networking
mobile computing : 8.7. One-Time Passwords
monitoring with netstat : 17.5. Monitoring Your Network with netstat
NFSNET : 16.1.1. The Internet
packet-switching : 16.2. IPv4: The Internet Protocol Version 4
scanning : 17.6. Network Scanning
security references : D.1.8. Network Technology and Security
services for : 11.1.2. Back Doors and Trap Doors
sniffers : 16.3. IP Security
spoofed connection : Trusted path
TCP/IP : (see TCP/IP, networks)
UNIX and : 16.1.2. Networking and UNIX
UUCP over : 15.8. UUCP Over Networks
WANs : 16.1. Networking
Networks table (NIS+) : 19.5.3. NIS+ Tables
networks, computer : 1.4.3. Add-On Functionality Breeds Problems
Neumann, Peter : 1.3. History of UNIX
newgrp command : Groups and older AT&T UNIX
newkey -u command Creating passwords for users When a user's passwords don't match
news : (see Usenet)
news (user) : 4.1. Users and Groups
newsgroups, defamation/harassment via : 26.4.7. Harassment, Threatening Communication, and Defamation
NEXTSTEP Window Server (NSWS) : 17.3.16. NEXTSTEP Window Server (NSWS) (TCP Port 178)
NFS (Network Filesystem) : 19. RPC, NIS, NIS+, and Kerberos
authentication and
19.2.2. RPC Authentication AUTH_KERB
checklist for : A.1.1.19. Chapter 20: NFS
file permissions : 5.1.7. File Permissions in Detail
find command on : 5.5.4. Finding All of the SUID and SGID Files
-local option : Writable system files and directories
MOUNT : 20.1.1. NFS History
Secure NFS : (see Secure NFS)
server, and UUCP : 15.3. UUCP and Security
technical description of : 20.1.1. NFS History
and trusted hosts : The problem with trusted hosts
-xdev option : Writable system files and directories
NIC (Network Information Center) : How to contact the system administrator of a computer you don't know
nice command : System overload attacks
nice numbers : C.1.3.3. Process priority and niceness
NIS (Network Information Service)
+ in
19.4. Sun's Network Information Service (NIS) NIS is confused about "+"
clients : 19.4. Sun's Network Information Service (NIS)
domains : 19.4.3. NIS Domains
maps : 19.4. Sun's Network Information Service (NIS)
19.4.4. NIS Netgroups NIS is confused about "+"
limiting imported accounts : Using netgroups to limit the importing of accounts
Secure RPC with
19.3.2. Setting Up Secure RPC with NIS
19.3.4. Limitations of Secure RPC
spoofing : Spoofing NIS
Yellow Pages : Other naming services
NIS (Network Information System)
3.2.2. The /etc/passwd File and Network Databases
3.4. Changing Your Password
19. RPC, NIS, NIS+, and Kerberos
19.4. Sun's Network Information Service (NIS)
19.4.5. Unintended Disclosure of Site Information with NIS
3.2.2. The /etc/passwd File and Network Databases
3.4. Changing Your Password Other naming services
19.5. Sun's NIS+
19.5.5. NIS+ Limitations
integrity-checking software for : 19.5.5. NIS+ Limitations
principals : 19.5.1. What NIS+ Does
Secure RPC with
19.3.2. Setting Up Secure RPC with NIS
19.3.4. Limitations of Secure RPC
nisaddcred command : Proving your identity
niscat command : 3.2.2. The /etc/passwd File and Network Databases
nischown command : 19.5.4. Using NIS+
nispasswd command
3.4. Changing Your Password
19.5.4. Using NIS+ When a user's passwords don't match
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
F.2.1. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
F.3.4.26. NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol) : 17.3.13. Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) (TCP Port 119)
nobody (user)
4.1. Users and Groups Creating passwords for users
noexpn (sendmail) : Improving the security of Berkeley sendmail V8
noise, electrical : Electrical noise
nonadaptive modems : (see modems)
nonblocking systems : 19.2. Sun's Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
nonce : 23.3. Tips on Writing Network Programs
nonrepudiation : 6.5. Message Digests and Digital Signatures
NORDUNET : F.3.4.27. NORDUNET: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland
NOREAD= command : 15.5.2. Permissions Commands
Northwestern University : F.3.4.28. Northwestern University
nosuid : 11.1.2. Back Doors and Trap Doors
Novell : 1.3. History of UNIX
novrfy (sendmail) : Improving the security of Berkeley sendmail V8
Nowitz, David : 15.2. Versions of UUCP
NOWRITE= command : 15.5.2. Permissions Commands
npasswd package : 8.8.2. Constraining Passwords
NPROC variable : Too many processes
NSA (National Security Agency) : F.2.2. National Security Agency (NSA)
NSWS (NextStep Window Server) : 17.3.16. NEXTSTEP Window Server (NSWS) (TCP Port 178)
NTP (Network Time Protocol) : 17.3.14. Network Time Protocol (NTP) (UDP Port 123)
Secure RPC and : Setting the window
NU-CERT : F.3.4.28. Northwestern University
null device : 5.6. Device Files
nuucp account
15.1.4. How the UUCP Commands Work
15.3.1. Assigning Additional UUCP Logins Format of USERFILE entry without system name

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