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Index: D

d2 option (nslookup)
11.3. Option Settings
11.6.1. Seeing the Query and Response Packets
daemon file : 4.7.2. Check for Syslog Errors
DARPA : 1.1. A (Very) Brief History of the Internet
data dump : 13.2.2. How to Read a Database Dump
data segment size : Changing the data segment size limit
data types, looking up with nslookup : 11.5.1. Looking Up Different Data Types
database files : (see db files)
datasize substatement Changing the data segment size limit
F.1.11.3. limit datasize
db data category (logging) : 7.5.3. Category Details
db files
2.4.3. Data Files
4.2. Setting Up DNS Data
additional data in : 7.2.4. Additional db File Entries
comments in : 4.2.2. Comments
contents of (example)
4.2.7. The Completed Data Files
4.4.4. The Shortened db Files
errors in : 4.7.2. Check for Syslog Errors
for root domain : The db.root file
format of : A.1. Master File Format
generating from host tables : (see h2n utility)
organizing : 7.3. Organizing Your Files
shortcuts (abbreviations) : 4.4. Abbreviations
syntax errors in : 13.3.5. 5. Syntax Error in the Conf File or DNS Database File
updating : 7.2. Updating db Files
db.cache file, updating : 7.2.6. Keeping db.cache Current
db.root file : The db.root file
debug option (nslookup)
11.3. Option Settings
11.6.1. Seeing the Query and Response Packets
debug severity level (logging) : 7.5. BIND 8 Logging
debug substatement
6.1.6. The options Directive
F.2.7. options debug (4.9.3 and later versions)
8.1.2. Capacity Planning
12. Reading BIND Debugging Output
interpreting output : 12.3. Reading Debugging Output
levels of : 12.1. Debugging Levels
named-xfer program : 13.2.1. How to Use named-xfer
nslookup and : 11.3. Option Settings
6.1.6. The options Directive
14.2.5. The _res Structure
turning on : 12.2. Turning On Debugging
decimal serial numbers : 7.2.2. SOA Serial Numbers
default data category (logging)
7.5. BIND 8 Logging
7.5.3. Category Details
default domain Initialize the default domain name
6.1.1. The Default Domain
unset : 13.3.12. 12. Default Domain Not Set
with nslookup : 11.3. Option Settings
default search list : 6.1.2. The Search List
default_stderr channel (logging) : Stderr channel
defaultrouter file : 8.5.2. Recommendations
defname option (nslookup) : 11.3. Option Settings
2.3. Delegation
2.4.1. Delegating Domains
10.11.5. Delegated Name Server Configuration
9.6. Good Parenting
9.6.2. Managing Delegation domain
3.2.4. Registering with Your Parent delegation
internal roots : Forward mapping delegation
7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
8.3. Registering Name Servers
number of subdomains : 9.2. How Many Children?
octet boundaries and : 9.5.1. Subnetting on an Octet Boundary
old information : Old delegation information
9.4.2. Creating and Delegating a Subdomain
13.3.9. 9. Missing Subdomain Delegation
aliases : 9.7.1. Removing Parent Aliases
hosts : 7.2.1. Adding and Deleting Hosts
/dev/null file : 10.11.4. Running BIND as a Non-Root User
dial-on-demand connections : 15.5.2. Dial-on-Demand
dialup connections
6.4.9. Windows 95
15.5. Dialup Connections
dig utility : 7.2.6. Keeping db.cache Current
Digital UNIX : 6.4.5. Digital's Digital UNIX
6.1.8. A Note on the 4.9 Resolver Directives
(see also under specific directive)
list of : F.1. BIND Name Server Boot File Statements
6.1. The Resolver
6.1.8. A Note on the 4.9 Resolver Directives
directories, organizing db files in : 7.3.1. Using Several Directories
directory directive : F.1. BIND Name Server Boot File Statements
disabled UDP checksums : 13.5.5. Name Server Startup Fails Because UDP Checksums Disabled
disasters, preventing and handling : 8.5. Planning for Disasters
distfile file : 8.2.1. Primary Master and Slave Servers
dname parameter (res_search) : 14.2.4. The Resolver Library Routines
DNS (Domain Name System)
configuring hosts for : 6. Configuring Hosts
consequences of : 6.3. Minimizing Pain and Suffering
database files : (see db files)
disasters : 8.5. Planning for Disasters
documentation on : Preface
firewalls and : 15.4. DNS and Internet Firewalls
fundamentals of : 1.3. The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
history of : 1.2.1. The History of the Domain Name System
NIS with : Using DNS with NIS
packet format
11.6.1. Seeing the Query and Response Packets
14.2.1. DNS Packet Format
resource records : (see resource records)
when to use : 1.5. Must I Use DNS?
WINS and : 15.9. DNS and WINS
X.500 directory system vs. : 15.8. DNS Versus X.500
DNS client : 6.1.4. The nameserver Directive
3.1. Getting BIND
10.2. DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
DNS UPDATE : 3.1. Getting BIND
BIND : 3.1.1. Handy Mailing Lists and Usenet Newsgroups
DNS : Preface
firewalls : 15.4.1. Types of Firewall Software
network numbers : 3.2.3. Checking That Your Network Is Registered
domain directive
6.1.1. The Default Domain
6.1.3. The search Directive
F.2.1. domain
NIS and : Using DNS with NIS
domain name space : 2.1. The Domain Name Space
CIDR and : 3.2.3. Checking That Your Network Is Registered
2.2. The Internet Domain Name Space
2.2.1. Top-Level Domains
shadow namespace : 15.4.6. A Shadow Namespace
visibility of : 15.4.6. A Shadow Namespace
Domain Name System : (see DNS)
domain names
1.3. The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
2.1.1. Domain Names
A.4.1.1. Domain name
abbreviations : 4.4. Abbreviations
aliases : (see aliases)
checking host names : 4.5. Host Name Checking (BIND 4.9.4 and Later Versions)
3.2. Choosing a Domain Name
9.3. What to Name Your Children
collisions : 1.2.1. The History of the Domain Name System
14.2.3. Domain Name Compression
14.2.6. The Name Server Library Routines
consistency of
1.2.1. The History of the Domain Name System
2.4. Name Servers and Zones
fully qualified (FQDNs)
2.1.1. Domain Names
6.1.2. The Search List
geographic : (see geographic domain names)
how to read : 2.2.3. Reading Domain Names
local, can't be looked up : 13.6.1. Local Name Can't Be Looked Up
mail exchangers
5.1. MX Records
5.2. What's a Mail Exchanger, Again?
4.2.6. PTR Records
(see also PTR records)
mapping addresses to
2.6.4. Mapping Addresses to Names
4.2.6. PTR Records
mapping to addresses : 4.2.5. Address and Alias Records
MX records : (see MX records)
remote, looking up : Look up a remote name
resolving : (see resolution)
servers for : (see name servers)
storage : 14.2.2. Domain Name Storage
subdomains : 2.1.2. Domains
trailing dot (.)
2.1.1. Domain Names
4.2.3. SOA Records
4.4.1. Appending Domains
13.3.6. 6. Missing Dot at the End of a Name in a DNS Database File
A.1. Master File Format
1.3. The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
2.1.2. Domains
3.2.2. Elsewhere in the World
(see also under specific domain name)
adding : 4.9. Adding More Domains
default Initialize the default domain name
6.1.1. The Default Domain
11.3. Option Settings
13.3.12. 12. Default Domain Not Set
2.3. Delegation
2.4.1. Delegating Domains
13.3.9. 9. Missing Subdomain Delegation delegation
old information : Old delegation information
email to specific : Mail to specific Internet domains
getting information on
3.2.1. Where in the World Do I Fit? The us domain
3.2.4. Registering with Your Parent delegation
E. Registration Form
delegating : 9.4.5. Delegating an Zone
incorrect delegation : 13.6.5. rlogin and rsh to Host Fails Access Check
subdomains of : 9.5. Subdomains of Domains
international : (see geographic domain names)
levels of : 2.1.2. Domains
non-U.S. : 2.2.2. Further Down
"nonexistent domain" message : 11.7.3. No PTR Data for Name Server's Address
parenting : 9. Parenting
checking delegation : 9.6. Good Parenting
creating subdomains : 9.4. How to Become a Parent: Creating Subdomains
managing transition to subdomains : 9.7. Managing the Transition to Subdomains
naming subdomains : 9.3. What to Name Your Children
3.2.3. Checking That Your Network Is Registered
D. Domain Registration Form
root domain
1.3. The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
2.1. The Domain Name Space
cache data for : 4.2.9. The Root Cache Data
updating record of : 7.2.6. Keeping db.cache Current
searching : 11.1.3. Domain Searches
state- and city-level
2.2.2. Further Down The us domain
testing setup : 4.7.3. Testing Your Setup with nslookup
(see top-level domains)
zones vs. : 2.4. Name Servers and Zones
dot (.)
default domain and : 6.1.1. The Default Domain
ndots substatement
6.1.6. The options Directive
F.2.6. options ndots (4.9.3 and later versions)
root domain
1.3. The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
2.1. The Domain Name Space
4.2.9. The Root Cache Data
trailing in domain names
2.1.1. Domain Names
4.2.3. SOA Records
4.4.1. Appending Domains
13.3.6. 6. Missing Dot at the End of a Name in a DNS Database File
A.1. Master File Format
dotted-octet representation : 2.6.4. Mapping Addresses to Names
dump, database : 13.2.2. How to Read a Database Dump
DUN (Dial-Up Networking)
6.4.9. Windows 95
15.5. Dialup Connections
Dunlap, Kevin : 1.4. The History of BIND
duplicate queries : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
dynamic update facility : 10.3. DNS Dynamic Update
Dynamic Update standard : 3.1. Getting BIND

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