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1.4. The Services Menu
Mac OS X's Services menu (Terminal
Services) exposes a collection of services that can work with the
currently running application. In the case of the Terminal, the
services operate on text that you have selected (the pasteboard). To
use a service, select a region of text in the Terminal, and choose an
operation from the Services menu. Mac OS X comes with several
services, but third-party applications may install services of their
own. When you use a service that requires a filename, you should
select a fully qualified pathname, not just the filename, because the
service does not know the shell's current working
directory. (As far as the service is concerned, you are invoking it
upon a string of text).
Here is a list of the services available in the Mac OS X Services
- Finder
The Finder services menu allows you to open a
file (Finder
Open), show its enclosing directory
Reveal), or show its information (Finder
Show Info).
- Mail
The Mail
Send To service allows you to compose a new
message to an email address, once you have selected that address in
the Terminal. You can also select a region of text and choose Mail
Send Selection to send a message containing the
selected text.
- Make New Sticky Note
This service creates a new Sticky
(/Applications/Stickies) containing the selected
- Speech
The Speech
service is used to start speaking the selected text. (Use Speech
Stop Speaking to interrupt.)
- Summarize
This service
condenses the selected text into a summary document. The summary
service analyzes English text and makes it as small as possible while
retaining the original meaning.
- TextEdit
The TextEdit service can open a filename, or
open a new file containing the selected text.
- View in JavaBrowser
This service browses Java
documentation for the selected class name. This is available whether
the selected text is a real Java class name or not. (Garbage In,
Garbage Out applies here.)
 |  |  |
1.3. Using the Terminal |  | 1.5. Using the tcsh Shell |
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