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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 46.6 Watch Out for Bourne Shell -e Bug Chapter 46
Shell Script Debugging and Gotchas
Next: 46.8 Test Built-In Commands for Failure

46.7 Quoting and Command-Line Parameters

Q: I need to pass a shell script some arguments with multiple words. I thought that putting quotes ( 8.14 ) around command-line arguments would group them. The shell script seems to ignore the quoting, somehow. Here's a simple example:



cat script

    ... for arg in $* do     echo "Argument is $arg" done $ 

script '1 2 3' 4

    ... Argument is 1 Argument is 2 Argument is 3 Argument is 4

A: This is the way $* is defined to work. $* expands to:


$1 $2

A: [not <">$1<"> <">$2<"> -JP  ] if there are two arguments. Hence the for loop reads:


for arg in 1 2 3 4

A: Note that the quotes are gone. What you wanted the shell to see was:


for arg in '1 2 3' 4

A: You cannot get that, but you can get something that is Good Enough:

 for arg in "$@"

A: In effect, $@ expands to:


$1" "$2

A: Putting "" s around $@ , the effect is:


for arg in "$1" "$2"

A: Shell quoting is unnecessarily complex. The C shell actually has the right idea (variables can be set to "word lists" ( 47.5 ) ; argv is such a list), but its defaults and syntax for suppressing them make for an artless programming language:


foreach arg ($argv:q)      # colon q ?!?

A: For the special case of iterating a shell variable over the argument list as it stands at the beginning of the iteration, the Bourne shell provides the construct for arg do [i.e., no in list -JP  ]:


for arg do echo "Argument is $arg" done

A: produces:


Argument is 1 2 3 Argument is 4

A: "$@" is still needed for passing argument lists to other programs. Unfortunately, since $@ is defined as expanding to:


$1" "$2...$


" "$


A: (where n is the number of arguments), when there are no arguments:



A: expands to:



A: and "" produces a single argument. [Many UNIX vendors considered this a bug and changed it so that it produces no arguments. -JP  ] The best solution for this is to use, for example:



cat bin/okeeffe

 #! /bin/sh exec rsh -l torek ${1+"$@"} %

A: The construct ${1+"$@"} means "expand $1 , but if $1 is defined, use "$@" instead." [You don't need this on Bourne shells with the "bug fix" I mentioned. -JP  ] Hence, if there are no arguments, we get $1 (which is nothing and produces no arguments), otherwise we get "$@" (which expands as above). ${ var + instead } is one of several sh \*(lqexpansion shortcuts\*(rq ( 45.12 ) . Another more generally useful one is ${ var-default } , which expands to $ var , but if var is not set, to default instead. All of these can be found in the manual for sh , which is worth reading several times, experimenting as you go.

- CT in comp.unix.questions on Usenet, 18 March 1988

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