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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 41.2 stty and All That Stuff Chapter 41
Terminal and Serial Line Settings
Next: 41.4 How UNIX Handles TAB Characters

41.3 Find Out Terminal Settings with stty

It may hardly seem appropriate to follow Chris Torek's learned article about how stty works ( 41.2 ) with some basics, but this book is designed for beginners as well as those who already know everything. :-) ( 51.12 ) [Good idea, Tim. This is also a handy place to put the disc icon for the GNU version. ;^) -JP ] So:

To find out what settings your terminal line currently has, type:



For a more complete listing, type:


stty -a

on System V-ish systems, and:


stty -everything

on BSD systems.

As Jerry Peek said in an editorial aside to Chris's article, be sure to have your stty manual page handy!


Previous: 41.2 stty and All That Stuff UNIX Power Tools Next: 41.4 How UNIX Handles TAB Characters
41.2 stty and All That Stuff Book Index 41.4 How UNIX Handles TAB Characters

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