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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 18.11 Renaming Files with ren Chapter 18
Linking, Renaming, and Copying Files
Next: 18.13 One More Way to Do It

18.12 Renaming a List of Files Interactively

Article 18.9 shows how to rename a set of files, like changing *.new to *.old . Here's a different way, done from inside vi . This gives you a chance to review and edit the commands before you run them. Here are the steps:



Start vi without a filename

:r !ls *.new   

Read in the list of files, one filename per line

:%s/.*/mv & &/ 

Make mv command lines


Change second filenames; ready to review

:w !sh   

Run commands by writing them to a shell


Quit vi without saving

If you've made an alias ( 10.2 ) for ls that changes its output format, that can cause trouble here. If your alias gives more than a plain list of filenames in a column, use !/bin/ls instead of just !ls .

- JP

Previous: 18.11 Renaming Files with ren UNIX Power Tools Next: 18.13 One More Way to Do It
18.11 Renaming Files with ren Book Index 18.13 One More Way to Do It

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