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UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition

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Program Debugging
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20.2 The Dbx Debugger

Dbx can be used to debug programs written in C, C++, FORTRAN, and Pascal. Dbx commands can be stored in a start-up .dbxinit file that resides in the current directory or in the user's home directory. These commands are executed just before reading the symbol table. The command-line syntax for dbx is as follows:

dbx [ options ] [ objfile [ corefile ]]

20.2.1 Options

-c cmd

Run dbx cmd after initialization.


Collect profile data for debugged program.


Echo input commands on standard output.


Act as if standard input is a terminal.

-I dir

Add dir to the directory search path. The dbx command use resets the search path.


Debug a program that puts the keyboard in up-down translation mode.

-P file_des

Pipe output to the debugger command via file descriptor file_des . debugger passes this option automatically.


Suppress messages during loading (useful during auto-traceback).


Execute objfile right away, then wait for user response from the keyboard.

-s file

Read initialization commands from start-up file .

-sr tmp

Like -s , but then delete start-up file ( tmp ).

- pid

Debug a currently running program whose process ID is pid (used mainly for auto-traceback).

20.2.2 Alphabetical Summary of Commands

Within dbx, the most useful commands are run , where , print , and stop . Use help to summarize the available commands. In the listing below, the term func is used to represent either a procedure or a function.

Previous: 20.1 The Sdb Debugger UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition Next: 21. ASCII Character Set
20.1 The Sdb Debugger Book Index 21. ASCII Character Set

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