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UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition

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1.3 What's in the Quick Ref

This guide presents the major features of generic SVR4, plus a few extras from the compatibility packages and from Solaris 2.0. In addition, this guide presents sections on emacs and RCS. Although they are not part of the standard SVR4 distribution, they are found on many UNIX systems because they are useful add-ons.

But keep in mind: if your system doesn't include all the component packages, there will be commands in this quick ref that you won't be able to find on your system.

The summary of UNIX commands in Section 2 makes up a large part of this book. Only user/programmer commands are included; administrative commands are ignored. Section 2 describes the following set:

SVR3 users should note that many commands listed in Section 2 are not in SVR3. These include:

apropos face iconv mcs rksh users
atq fmli keylogin mkmsgs sccs uudecode
atrm fmt keylogout nawk script uuencode
chkey fmtmsg ksh notify soelim uuglist
clear fold ldd openwin srchtxt vacation
cof2elf gcore lpq pic strings w
compress gencat lpr printenv talk whatis
ctags gettxt lprm printf truss which
dbx gprof lprof ptx tset whoami
download head lptest relogin uncompress whois
dpost hostid mailalias reset uptime zcat
exstr hostname

Previous: 1.2 Bundling UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition Next: 1.4 Beginner's Guide
1.2 Bundling Book Index 1.4 Beginner's Guide

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