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UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition

UNIX in a Nutshell: System V EditionSearch this book
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UNIX Commands
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] [



Print the last ten lines of the named file . Use only one of -f or -r .



Don't quit at the end of file; "follow" file as it grows. End with a BREAK (CTRL-C).


Copy lines in reverse order.

- n [ k ]

Begin printing at n th item from end of file. k specifies the item to count: l (lines, the default), b (blocks), or c (characters).

- k

Same as previous, but use the default count of 10.

+ n [ k ]

Like - n , but start at n th item from beginning of file.

+ k

Like - k , but count from beginning of file.


Show the last 20 lines containing instances of .Ah:

grep '.Ah'




tail -20

Continually track the latest uucp activity:

tail -f /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE

Show the last ten characters of variable name :

echo "$name" | tail -c

Reverse all lines in list :

 tail -r list

Previous: Reference: tabs UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition Next: Reference: talk
Reference: tabs Book Index Reference: talk

The UNIX CD Bookshelf Navigation The UNIX CD BookshelfUNIX Power ToolsUNIX in a NutshellLearning the vi Editorsed & awkLearning the Korn ShellLearning the UNIX Operating System