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UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition

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Solaris 2.0 only. Generate a permuted index from infile and send output to outfile . (Standard input and output are the defaults.) To print the index, format the output file using the -mptx option to nroff or troff.


-b file

In addition to using tab, space, and newline, use the characters in file as word separators.


Fold uppercase and lowercase; i.e., ignore case when sorting keywords.

-g n

Set column gaps in output to n characters.

-i file

Ignore keywords listed in file . Default file is /usr/lib/eign .

-o file

Use only the words in file as keywords (inverse of -i ).


Use the first field of infile as a reference ID. This field does not get permuted but appears as the last field of the output.


Prepare output for phototypesetting (default line length is 100 characters).

-w n

Produce output lines n characters wide (default is 72).


Given a three-line input file :

ar(1) ar: archive and library maintainer at(1) at: execute commands at a later time awk(1) awk: pattern scanning language

A permuted index could be generated as follows:

ptx -f -i ignore -w 80 -r > ptx.out


troff -mptx 


 ptx.out | 


In this case, ptx merges uppercase and lowercase ( -f ) ignores a list of keywords ( -i ), uses 80-character output lines ( -w ), and appends the first word (the command name) as a section reference ( -r ).

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Reference: ps Book Index Reference: pwd

The UNIX CD Bookshelf Navigation The UNIX CD BookshelfUNIX Power ToolsUNIX in a NutshellLearning the vi Editorsed & awkLearning the Korn ShellLearning the UNIX Operating System