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UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition

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UNIX Commands
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Update one or more targets according to dependency instructions in a description file in the current directory. By default, this file is called makefile or Makefile . See Section 19 for more information on make . See also the Nutshell Handbook, Managing Projects with make .



Override makefile assignments with environment variables.

-f makefile

Use makefile as the description file; a filename of - denotes standard input.


Ignore command error codes (same as .IGNORE ).


Abandon the current entry when it fails, but keep working with unrelated entries.


Print commands but don't execute (used for testing).


Print macro definitions and target descriptions.


Query; return 0 if file is up-to-date; nonzero otherwise.


Do not use "default" rules.


Do not display command lines (same as .SILENT ).


Touch the target files, causing them to be updated.

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