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UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition

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Separate file into sections and place sections in files named xx00 through xx n ( n < 100), breaking file at each pattern specified in arguments . See also split .


-f file

Name new files file 00 through filen (default is xx00 through xx n ).


Keep newly created files, even when an error occurs (which would normally remove these files). This is useful when you need to specify an arbitrarily large repeat argument, { n } , and you don't want the "out of range" error to remove the new files.


Suppress all character counts.


Any one or a combination of the following expressions. Arguments containing blanks or other special characters should be surrounded by single quotes.

/ expr/

Create file from the current line up to the line containing the regular expression expr . This argument takes an optional suffix of the form + n or - n , where n is the number of lines below or above expr .

% expr%

Same as / expr/ except no file is created for lines previous to line containing expr .


Create file from current line up to line number num .

{ n }

Repeat argument n times. May follow any of the above arguments. Files will split at instances of expr or in blocks of num lines.


Create up to 20 chapter files from the file novel :

csplit -k -f chap. novel '%CHAPTER%' '{20}'

Create up to 100 address files ( xx00 through xx99 ), each four lines long, from a database named address_list :

csplit -k address_list 4 {99}

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