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A Miscellany of Scripts
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13.8 plpr - lpr Preprocessor

Contributed by Tom Van Raalte

I thought you might want to use the following script around the office. It is a preprocessor for lpr that sends output to the "best" printer. [This shell script is written for a BSD or Linux system and you would use this command in place of lpr . It reads the output of the lpq command to determine if a specific printer is available. If not, it tries a list of printers to see which one is available or which is the least busy. Then it invokes lpr to send the job to that printer.]

#!/bin/sh # #set up temp file TMP=/tmp/printsum.$$ LASERWRITER=${LASERWRITER-ps6} #Check to see if the default printer is free? # # FREE=`lpq -P$LASERWRITER | awk ' { if ($0 == "no entries")    { 	val=1 	print val 	exit 0   }   else   { 	val=0 	print val 	exit 0   } }'` #echo Free is $FREE # #If the default is free then $FREE is set, and we print and exit. # if [ $FREE -eq 1 ]  then 	SELECT=$LASERWRITER #echo selected $SELECT 	lpr -P$SELECT $* 	exit 0 fi #echo Past the exit # #Now we go on to see if any of the printers in bank are free.   # BANK=${BANK-$LASERWRITER} #echo bank is $BANK # #If BANK is the same as LASERWRITER, then we have no choice. #otherwise, we print on the one that is free, if any are free. # if [ "$BANK" =  "$LASERWRITER" ]  then 	SELECT=$LASERWRITER 	lpr -P$SELECT $* 	exit 0 fi #echo past the check bank=laserprinter # #Now we check for a free printer. #Note that $LASERWRITER is checked again in case it becomes free #during the check. # #echo now we check the other for a free one for i in $BANK $LASERWRITER do FREE=`lpq -P$i | awk ' { if ($0 == "no entries")    { 	val=1 	print val 	exit 0   }   else   { 	val=0 	print val 	exit 0   } }'` if [ $FREE -eq 1 ] then #   echo in loop for $i 	SELECT=$i #   echo select is $SELECT #   if [ "$FREE" != "$LASERWRITER" ] #   then #          echo "Output redirected to printer $i" #   fi 	lpr -P$SELECT $* 	exit 0 fi done #echo done checking for a free one #  #If we make it here then no printers are free.  So we  #print on the printer with the least bytes queued. # # for i in $BANK $LASERWRITER do val=`lpq -P$i | awk ' BEGIN { 	start=0; } /^Time/ { 	start=1;  	next; } (start == 1){ 	test=substr($0,62,20); 	print test; } ' | awk ' BEGIN { 	summ=0; } { 	summ=summ+$1; } END { 	print summ; }'` echo "$i $val" >> $TMP done  SELECT=`awk '(NR==1) { 	select=$1; 	best=$2 } ($2 < best) { 	select=$1;  	best=$2}  END { 	print select } ' $TMP ` #echo $SELECT # rm $TMP #Now print on the selected printer #if [ $SELECT != $LASERWRITER ] #then #   echo "Output redirected to printer $i" #fi lpr -P$SELECT $* trap 'rm -f $TMP; exit 99' 2 3 15

13.8.1 Program Notes for plpr

For the most part, we've avoided scripts like these in which most of the logic is coded in the shell script. However, such a minimalist approach is representative of a wide variety of uses of awk. Here, awk is called to do only those things that the shell script can't do (or do as easily). Manipulating the output of a command and performing numeric comparisons is an example of such a task.

As a side note, the trap statement at the end should be at the top of the script, not at the bottom.

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