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Learning the Korn Shell

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B.6 Typeset Options

These are arguments to the typeset command.
Option Meaning
With no option, create local variable within function.
-L Left justify and remove leading blanks.
-R Right justify and remove trailing blanks.
-f With no arguments, prints all function definitions.
-f fname Prints the definition of function fname .
+f Prints all function names.
-ft Turns on trace mode for named function(s).
+ft Turns off trace mode for named function(s).
-fu Defines given name(s) as autoloaded function(s).
-i Declare variable as an integer.
-l Convert all letters to lowercase.
-r Make variable read-only.
-u Convert all letters to uppercase.

Export variable, i.e., put in environment so that it is passed to subshells.

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B.5 Options Book Index B.7 Emacs Mode Commands

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