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2.16 Conditional Operators

Conditional operators allow text to be inserted that depends on the value in a macro. Conditional operators are never used in rules, but are often used in header definitions (see §31.6).


macro result 




If the macro has a value, the entire expression is replaced by result . Otherwise, the entire expression is replaced by alternate . For example:

From: $?x$x <$g>$|$g$.

Here, if $x has a value (the $?x ), the entire expression becomes:

From: $x <$g>

Otherwise (the $|$g ), it becomes:

From: $g

The $. is last and terminates the conditional expression. Conditional expressions may nest, but nesting is discouraged.

Previous: 2.15 Operators that Return a Triple sendmail Desktop Reference Next: 2.17 Hints
2.15 Operators that Return a Triple   2.17 Hints